If you could keep only one of your memories for the rest of eternity, which would you choose?
Kate wants to hear from you! The next question of the week, straight from Kate, is: If you could keep only one of your memories for the rest of eternity, which would you choose? To get your voice heard, simply hit the Comment link and tell her what you think! No registration is necessary, and you can post anonymously if you want.
January 17, 2011 @ 9:27 pm
The day my oldest grandsons were born. The memory of holding each of them in my arms and meeting them for the very first time. It was absolutely amazing. Everyday I get to spend with them (they live two hours away) brings more memories that I replay when I’m away from them, but you said I could only pick one, so the day Danny & Alex were born.
January 18, 2011 @ 10:31 pm
That’s a really hard question, all the times I think of relate to that moment of feeling connected and being in love/loved/loving no matter if with a person/people/spiritual. So, I guess that moment of feeling blessed….
January 18, 2011 @ 10:50 pm
Not fair!
January 18, 2011 @ 11:19 pm
Wow, that’s difficult to say because I have so many. Right off the bat, I guess I’d have to say when I gave my partner a ruby ring, and she literally melted in my arms. In that moment, she let me know what true love is, and my life continues to be blessed with her in it.
January 18, 2011 @ 11:26 pm
Truly? And this is no suck-up because you’re the one asking–but my answer would have to be a memory of the FEELING of gut-wrenching, side-splitting, tear-blinding, uncontrollable laughter. No need to remember at what–just the feeling OF. I remember at 13 hearing one of my preacher-uncles telling me that salvation was ‘God’s greatest gift to mankind’; I said, “No, it’s not. It’s a sense of humor.” Yeah–that would make any eternity quite bearable, I think.
January 19, 2011 @ 11:38 am
Standing on the deck of a whale watch boat in P-Town with my partner & our 2 kids. Skin slightly sunburnt from a great day at the beach, wind in our hair and whales breaching next to the boat – what a memory!
January 20, 2011 @ 1:46 am
When my partner lovingly shared that she did not want a “chapter” but rather a “novel” with me…13 yrs ago..30 seconds at the most, but a memory revisited in my daily thoughts.
January 20, 2011 @ 3:40 am
If I could only pick one, it would be the memory of sitting in my grandmother’s lap as we rocked on her front porch, listening to the crickets on a hot summer night in Middle Tennessee in the late 1950’s.
January 24, 2011 @ 1:00 pm
The day I figured out who I was and where I wanted to go. I remember how calmy and easily I was able to accept what was true – because it was true. In all the other crazy moments, the days that send me into stress spirals, I remember that day in Toronto, walking alone on the island, just thinking – allowing the thoughts to form on their own with no judgement or censor. There are times when I do not know what to think, what to make of a situation. There are days when work gets crazy and homelife is insane. I see the news everynight and it terrifies me. It is those times that I remember I know who I am and really, that is all that matters.
January 26, 2011 @ 5:20 am
A day at play in the park when my pup turned to me and gave me the biggest happiest doggie smile in the whole world.
January 27, 2011 @ 1:05 pm
The memory of the first time I experienced the visceral, half eye-closing, feeling of want, and attraction, to another person. In that moment, I knew it was possible for me to have the experience so many others described.
January 31, 2011 @ 8:52 am
One memory stuck out after asking myself that question, although it was rather recent, I will always remember when I was pinned during a military ceremony. Both parents were there and my mom was pinning my right collar and my dad the left. I was standing tall and realized my father, an old retired army guy, rearing back to smack the top side of my pin…directly into my collar bone. I was so shocked and in slight pain but in just an instant I was overwhelmed with pride I cannot even describe or explain. The memory will always be a part of me, not only because of the feeling but also that my parents were there to share it with me.
You never know how valuable time is until you are unable to share it with the ones you love most.