The Patriarchy Is So Dada
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, he of the Madoff mane, alleged rapist and head of the International Monetary Fund – talk about branding! – is not too big to jail. Tant pis.
Wait, wait, there’s more.
Arnold reveals he fathered a child ten years ago with a member of his household staff. Charlie Sheen is devastated to be replaced by Ashton Kutcher. Aww.
ABC of course picked up Tim Allen’s sitcom “Last Man Standing” about how hard it is to be a man [the straight and white is understood] in this crazy modern world.
Men are feeling vulnerable and assaulted. Which is generally when they like to invade the wrong country, just cause. What do they always tell us this is? Ah, yes, a “growth opportunity”.
If it weren’t for all the women who have been trampled, I could enjoy this more. But the schaden is off my freude.
Thirty years ago, I was a young radical lesbian feminist separatist quite fevered about taking down the patriarchy. I’m still on it. Who knew the guys would be such a big help?
May 18, 2011 @ 8:54 am
Last line clinches it. Thanks. LOL
May 18, 2011 @ 10:38 pm
Yeah … plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose. Tiresome.