The Pope is coming to Manhattan and we don’t have congestion pricing. It’s going to be hell.
I can’t focus on the news, but near as I can figure The Widow Ratzinger is carrying an Olympic torch for Cardinal Egan of the Diocese of New York. He’s come a-courtin! Antiques Roadshow says it’s the original torch! Benny the Dict will be saying a mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and at Yankee Stadium. Cardinal Egan will throw out the first host.
Though I used to be a conscientious Designated Bush Watcher, these days I watch the news distractedly. I don’t think I’m alone. The New York Times has accommodated by becoming news Cliff Notes. I’m dissociative. I pretend that HBO’s John Adams is the breaking news. I went to the very helpful WhatTheHellisWrongwithMe website and self-diagnosed what ails me. I believe I have early onset PBTSD, Post-Bush-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
My presenting symptoms of lethargy, distraction and dissociation are compounded by Clinton Fatigue. And I am one. What IS Hillary Clinton’s sleep number? I’m tired for her. But why does she have to have an exit strategy and Petraeus doesn’t?
I have a wicked case of Oblahblahma Cynicism which prevents me from seeing the magic of another guy with no experience, known for his talking skills, good or bad. He weenied out with timetable babble when questioning Petraeus.
With my PBTSD, I wouldn’t know a revolution of the human spirit if I fell over one. No, I can’t. I can’t stomach another story of pathetic boomer parents bonding with their darling children by taking cooking classes, snowboarding and switching from Clinton to Obama. Yet another reason not to have children.
With a pre-existing condition of Pre-Collision Intelligence, I have profound disbelief that the disaster that is John McCain is an actual presidential contender. Two words: George Bush. How can Republicans say that they will vote their pocketbook, which has been so thoroughly picked?
At night I am plagued by rational fears that Condi Rice is going to spring fully formed as a vice-presidential running mate out of the giant wen on McCain’s cheek.
Condi’s been giving signals that he hasn’t been picking up – there’s a great start. McCain’s wife, Republican Spice, has been scrambling them and will snap Condi’s neck if she gets an inch closer.
Instead of going to therapy, I’ve been watching HBO’s In Treatment with Gabriel Byrne and my favorite, Dianne Wiest. Not really. I can’t watch. I’m too restless, but my friends who watch say he never discusses insurance coverage, co-pay or prescription prices. Or that hour sessions are fifty minutes long.
April 11, 2008 @ 3:50 pm
republican spice!! that is freaking hilarious!! it could possibly be better than the widow ratzinger!!
April 12, 2008 @ 12:13 am
Got some bad news for you, Rachel Maddow says that McSame is going to win so there will be no post Bush for us, its going to be more Bush for us and America heading into a really severe recession (aka Depression). I could just cry. I think I will too, no social safety net, more and more war and more and more hurt and dead Iraqis. Yet there is hope, my very dearest friend who has been a Republican her whole life is not going to vote for McCain! There is hope, and as more and more Americans are unable to borrow money on credit and begin to feel the economic pinch maybe they will wake up.
April 14, 2008 @ 9:50 am
Condi’s neck is impervious to wringing — her head has twisted completely around too many times. Dianne Wiest is wonderful, but sorry, dear, hourly sessions are really only forty minutes long after the mandatory ten minute wait with the other miserable souls wanting hope.
April 14, 2008 @ 12:49 pm
I am going to post once more because it is therapeutic for me and as a therapist I should know. I am so concerned about the lack of food in the world, Haiti overthrows their government over the weekend because food is too expensive, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Phillippines, Argentina, Thailand, Pakistan China are no longer exporting food because they want to keep it for their population, 4 days of food riots in Haiti, 5 people dead, Cameroon, and all across Afria there is hunger. In Pakistan men are killing their children because of having no food to feed them. George Bush is responsible for this with his corn in the gas tank initiative. I wonder if that is why it is not on the American news networks. This is a mess. I have decided to get active and not just more neurotic and do something and my poor neighbors, I pity them. I have decided to start growing corn in my front yard as well as planting many fruit trees, tomato plants, sunflowers, strawberries all over my yard. No more grass, and then invite the folks at the food pantry to come pick it all. My neighbors are trying to sell their home and I know this shall upset them but they should get with reality anyway. I have talked with the Quaker group I go to and they have agreed to plant food on Church property and give it to the food pantry as well. That is what I have done over the weekend to help contribute. Now it is tickle time with my daughter who just made a great big fart and ran out of the room, her way of saying “pay attention to me mom.”