Last Stop
Right after my wonderful, rocking, kick-ass show at the lovely
Birchmere in Arlington, VA, I hopped a train back to NYC, then a plane
to Ptown for the Thanksgiving break. When I got to Ptown the furnace
wouldn’t turn on, the internet wasn’t working and the Jeep wouldn’t
start. I can see why everyone needs a house butch.
All that to say that the Birchmere, the last stop on the 2007 Climate
Change Tour was unremarked upon in these blogpages. And it should not
be so dustbinned because there were laughs, Corona Lites and fried food
aplenty. I promised that the next time I return there on November, 14,
2008, it will be to celebrate a new regime.
Despite a bad case of Bush Fatigue, the audience had a great time. We
don’t want anyone to feel left out, so we recorded the festivities for
an 8th comedy collection, perfectly called Kate Clinton: Climate
Change! And it will be available to you in March just in time for your
Women’s History Month Gift Giving. We think of everything.