Use a condom. Finish writing your rehab entrance press release. There’s a guy named Ted Haggard, former head of Evangelical churches who may be able to help ya out.
Hey Larry,
Come out, come out, come out the weather is fine and it really is not scary out here. Gay men and lesbians are truly the most wonderful people, open, kind, accepting and ever so much kinder than the trolls who order some not so good at his job police officer as punishment for some minor malfeasance to do bathroom patrol. Think about it Larry, you really could reach the point where you love and care about yourself. Find a caring and kind gay therapist and get to work!
September 10, 2007 @ 5:18 pm
Use a condom. Finish writing your rehab entrance press release. There’s a guy named Ted Haggard, former head of Evangelical churches who may be able to help ya out.
September 11, 2007 @ 10:33 pm
Fess up—-come out—tell the truth—–oops—-I forgot……. you’re a politician.
September 12, 2007 @ 1:42 am
Next time use the bathroom before you leave church. Its safer and more than likely you’ll get more action.
September 15, 2007 @ 1:44 am
Hey Larry,
Come out, come out, come out the weather is fine and it really is not scary out here. Gay men and lesbians are truly the most wonderful people, open, kind, accepting and ever so much kinder than the trolls who order some not so good at his job police officer as punishment for some minor malfeasance to do bathroom patrol. Think about it Larry, you really could reach the point where you love and care about yourself. Find a caring and kind gay therapist and get to work!
September 18, 2007 @ 3:46 pm
How come lesbians don’t see that kind of action in the bathroom? Answer: because we are busy washing our hands. So Larry, wash your lies and come out.