Take Me Out
Perhaps you’ve noticed the decline in gas prices at the pump. I’m not one to brag, but remember that I did promise that while on the Alaska Cruise, sponsored by Purell, with the mateys from Olivia, that I had organized a side snowmobile excursion to fix the British Petroleum pipeline? Have duct tape will travel. Prices are down. We await a thank you note from the American peoples.
The cruise was, as usual, jam-packed and fun-filled. It was lovely to hang out with my sista comics – Karen Williams, Vickie Shaw, and Roxanna Ward. Do not believe anything that Karen might tell you about my taking her on a forced nature walk in early daylight. And as always it was so special to see old friends getting some well-earned rest and relaxation and to meet new women and have time to hear the amazing stories of their lives. I wish there were an Olivia Women’s Oral History Project. Heck, they think of everything, there probably already is one out on CD.
Sadly, after getting my full certification as Bingo Caller and, at long last, Oldywed/Newlywed emcee, I had to leave the ship in Sitka. I flew to San Francisco, did some business and met my dear pal, Jeanne Rizzo, brilliant head of The Breast Cancer Fund and insane SF Giants fan. She took me to the new ballpark, and the Giants beat the Colorado Rockies. I always pretend the CR on their caps stands for “consciousness raising.”
In Chicago, cooler since the Gay Games, thank the lordess, I emceed the Outies, an awards dinner celebrating individuals and businesses that work for diversity in the workplace. It’s the last night of the Out and Equal Workplace Summit and always a pleasure to ride herd on those 1,500 daring gays and allies. So much fun, that I believe I invited myself to the next Summit, to be held next year in Washington, DC. So near the White House. Selisse Barry, unflappable executive director of Out and Equal, said she would consider the offer.
Always inspirational is a visit to a college, and Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green was no exception. I met with students at their beautiful Women’s Center run by the intrepid Jane Olmstead, had dinner with faculty, did a show, had a lively question and answer period and met with students after. Anybody can be gay in New York or San Francisco, [please tell them] but to be out and active at a southern college or in an unwelcoming work environment, fires me up. Outies for everyone!
September 21, 2006 @ 9:33 pm
Kate was spectacular on the Olivia cruise, she was a great “cohost” on the oldywed/newlywed, thank god she translated for Vicki Shaw, so that we could understand some of those southern words and grammer !
September 26, 2006 @ 10:25 am
Kate…I couldn’t agree more about the bravery of people being “out” in unfriendly places like the south. I just saw an amazing documentary called Small Town Gay Bar. It was about 2 small gay bars in the heart of Missippi. They are some amazing people that risk their lives to be themselves. I highly recomend everyone see it!
PS- Kate I saw you in Boulder, Colorado a few years ago. I’m still laughing, so please come back soon!