Michigan: Talk to the Hand

You missed a really good time in Lansing, Michigan.  "Where’s that Kate?" you ask.  Well, hold up your right hand, palm facing you, doesn’t it look like Michigan? It does.  There, just above your life line and right below that black mark from the Sharpee you used last night, that’s where Lansing is.  And how about washing up a little better?

The lovely gals from Goldenrod, now in their 31st year of women’s music and culture distribution, kindly agreed to produce my 25th Anniversary Show.  That was in addition to their regular chores.  The show was at the gorgeous Dart Auditorium and Eileen Ford, who opened for me in 1986, if we remember correctly, came out of comedy retirement to do her usual sly and witty remarks.  Lansing is the unheralded epi-center of deep lesbian magma – The MWMF, the Lesbian Connection, Goldenrod – all spring from that soil.  Which was supersaturated from Portland, OR like rains.

A special thanks to Sue and all the volunteers.  And  very special congratulations to Terry Grant, head Goldenrod honcha and Sue Emert.  They’ve been together for 30 years.  When I asked Sue the secret of their success, she laughed.  That’s the secret.

The next night I played at The Ark, a fine cultural center, run by Dave and Linda Siglin and all their community volunteers.  It’s in Ann Arbor – hand again, palm up, more east to the base of your thumb.  The space is close and fun and for years my sweet Ann Arborettes have plunked their butts in those chairs which make the mark of waffles on their cheeks.  I understand that in 1988, one lesbian was able to prove her whereabouts to her doubting partner by displaying faint, but recognizable, waffle like indentations. 

This Friday night I have the great pleasure of emceeing The Streb salute to Phillipe Petite at Elizabeth’s action lab in Brooklyn.  And two of our favorite lesbian brothers received Tony nominations thise week – Lisa Krohn for Well and Cynthia Nixon for Rabbit Hole.  And lesbians are taking over daytime TV.  Now if we could just take over the country.  On the way to that- all you Michiganders – do what you can to get Governor Granholme re-elected.   
