Hoosier Daddy?

The Santa Cruz show was a dang hoot.  The night before the show in the Rios Theater, that 2000 year old mystic woman, Ramtha,  had done a show there.  But you knew that.  There was still some woo-woo residue on the stage.  The lovely and talented Tracy Lee Lawson, the former P.T. Barnum of women’s culture in Santa Cruz – radio! shows! newspapers! she did it all – was kind enough to drive me to and fro. It was great to catch up with her.  She’s disconsolate about the SeaHawks and spells that Pittsburgh team with an "a".

Am in NYC, resting up for the show with Dino Sierpe in Indianapolis.  Dino puts on a really big shue.  Generally the theme is "Kate Clinton this is your life." and she drags some embarrassing bit of my past out of the closet.  You don’t know her name.  You had the powers in the above paragraph.  Not this one. 

One year she dressed me up as a nun and made me run an auction for her.  I was embarrassed that I had only gotten thirteen bucks for an old headband from Cris Williamson.  So I said, "I’ll throw in a kiss."  From the back of the room, I heard, "Thirteen twenty-five." 

This year, I predict, because I’m still feeling it from Santa Cruz, that by the end of the night we will all be bobbing for red clown noses in a big tub.  Bring a towel. 
