Category Kate
On Saturday, I got out of New York’s LaGuardia just before the big blizzard hit, dumping 29 inches and forcing our local weather people to lash themselves to bus stops everywhere. It’s 51 and slushy now. The corners are impassable.
Clearly, I want Jonetta Jones’ job on TWC. Why do weather channels play porn music?
But I digress. And generally I call it a show.
My destination was Indianapolis for a show at the gorgeous Clowes Hall at Butler University. In addition to the fabulous opening act, Dino Sierp, the producer suprised me with an encore of 25 gifts delivered by five dogs who had been trained by a local organization [ICAAN]. Think pink dildo as dog toy. Prisoners from Indiana institutions train the dogs to live with the disabled and with troubled adolescents. The group named one of the puppy trainees after me – K.C. Puppy chow all around!
Broad hint to all of you. Kate or K.C. is a lovely name.
After that Indy high point, I met up with my galpal, Urvashi, in College Station, TX, the home of the George Bush the First library. Her parents were visiting from India. Not for the library. But to see her other sister and for a reunion.
So, yes, those of you with sharp timetable minds – I was there for the Dick Cheney shoot-em-up in Texas! It was a comedy gift for Valentines Day. And now people are mad that he didn’t tell us anything or anything sooner? It was an accident, not a miracle. He has never told us anything. It’s none of our beeswax. Be nice if the press were as due diligent about W.M.D.s, secret energy commissions, wiretapping as they are about this "accident".
Don’t want to harsh your mellow! It’s Susan B. Anthony’s Birthday today. Tra la!