Occupy Patriarchy NOW!
Don’t tell Kate Clinton to break a leg before her much-anticipated return to the stage.
Read More Here: https://provincetownmagazine.com/2024/10/09/clinton-2024/
Don’t tell Kate Clinton to break a leg before her much-anticipated return to the stage.
Read More Here: https://provincetownmagazine.com/2024/10/09/clinton-2024/
Tickets On-Sale Now 10/19 3pm SHOW Added in Provincetown at The Historic Town Hall
40th Anniversary Of Women’s Week Afternoon Delight
By popular demand, a second, daytime show has been added!
Come on out for an Afternoon Delight and let’s make it an afternoon to remember!
Get ready for unforgettable laughter, wit, and unapologetic humor.
There will be a Q&A talk back with the audience after the show. Please note, this is not a meet and greet.
Join us during the 40th anniversary of Women’s Week at the historic Town Hall in Provincetown.
Tickets are all will call and may be picked up at Womencrafts 376 Commercial St daily starting on August 15th. There will be no will call at the venue, so stop by before 5pm on October 19th.
This event is a fundraiser for the Provincetown Commons (http//www.provincetowncommons.org)
VIP tickets are $150 (Seating is the first seven rows of the Front Orchestra)
Taxes and fees are applied to credit card purchases to cover the fees.
General admission tickets are $75.
No refunds, no exchanges.
Come on out for a One Night Stand and let’s make it a night to remember! There will be a Q&A talk back with the audience after the show. Join us during the 40th anniversary of Women’s Week at the historic Town Hall in Provincetown. 10/19/2024 7pm This event is a fundraiser for the Provincetown Commons www.provincetowncommons.org
This is a MK Productions event. Tickets Available Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kate-clinton-one-night-stand-tickets-841799303377?aff=oddtdtcreator
Come on out for a One Night Stand and let’s make it a night to remember!
Get ready for an unforgettable evening of laughter, wit, and unapologetic humor.
Join us during the 40th Anniversary of Women’s Week at the historic Town Hall in Provincetown.
Date: 10/19
Time: 7pm
Venue: Town Hall Provincetown
Watch this space for the release date of show tickets. I am excited and I hope you are too.
Breaking Brand news, Darlings! I am now a certified ZUMORIST* – an expert practitioner of Zumor, i.e. Zoom humor. Could your business, friend or family Zoom meeting use a few laughs? Hire me as your yellow-highlighted secret square, your Paula Lynde square, your bat mitzvah Zoomler. Comedy is all about timing. It takes a pro to work that annoying nano-second delay to hilarious effect. In my bag of tricks: the fake freeze, the pretend mute, the falling asleep Zoomer, the drunken Zoomer and the motion-sickness-inducing Zoomer doing his 15 flights of stairs workout. You provide the Dramamine; I’ve got the chops and the props.
*var: Zumourist in Canadian