.Hey Kate..looking good for your tender age. Hope you are having a fantastic birthday and just to jog your old memory…Ottawa, Canada is in need of some Kate facetime…we miss you ๐
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! America got you some great presents, they must really love you ๐
I share a birth month with you, but I seldom (ok, never) get great presents like that. It’s usually something like a pumpkin pie with a candle in it and some unheard of holiday candy trying to butter me up for the news that family wants to visit.
Very happy that you are sharing your gifts with the rest of the country, so thoughtful.
November 9, 2012 @ 5:52 am
Happy Birthday, Kate!
November 9, 2012 @ 5:57 am
.Hey Kate..looking good for your tender age. Hope you are having a fantastic birthday and just to jog your old memory…Ottawa, Canada is in need of some Kate facetime…we miss you ๐
November 9, 2012 @ 9:15 am
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! America got you some great presents, they must really love you ๐
I share a birth month with you, but I seldom (ok, never) get great presents like that. It’s usually something like a pumpkin pie with a candle in it and some unheard of holiday candy trying to butter me up for the news that family wants to visit.
Very happy that you are sharing your gifts with the rest of the country, so thoughtful.
Have a wonderful birthday!!
November 9, 2012 @ 9:56 am
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people on earth!
November 9, 2012 @ 12:08 pm
Happy birthday, Kate! Have a great date with your mate! Celebrate!!