Clinton/Vaid Household Conspiracy Theory #1422, 720am, 10.19.12:
That the old CIA dudes from the Bush/Cheney years, the ones Pres Obama has never replaced, are behind the anti-Muslim video which riled everyone up enough to attack the US embassy in Benghazi. [sidebar: the Grand Opposition Party blocked increased embassy security funds] The old CIA ops then gave wrong or late information to UN Ambassador. [note to self: where was Agent Rove?] And all just in time for the last presidential debate on Foreign Policy. Coinky dink? We think not.
Our motto: One woman’s conspiracy theory is another man’s history.
October 19, 2012 @ 11:46 pm
Oh really? I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, but I am, considering that once again, CIA finagling cost FOUR people their lives! Those involved in the making of this video should be tried for treason -especially if they were government agents. They should know better & they consistently do these things to the detriment of a lot more than just their paychecks. Un-friggin-believable.
October 20, 2012 @ 12:52 am
And really, if Americans knew & understood what our CIA has done & continue to do (playing both sides against the middle) we might see some pinatas swinging from the yard-arm! We have troves of evil-doings by the CIA on file, from escalating the Kennedy assasination(s), to the escalation of the Viet Nam war, to Nicaragua, the Sandinistas, the Contras, Reagan, GHWBush, the first invasion of Iraq & its aftermath. All these seemingly unrelated shootings going on across America.
October 20, 2012 @ 11:16 am
it’s not so much what they DO, as much as it is what they DON’T do…. like 9/11… ‘they’ didn’t put in place the security measures necessary to prevent that atrocity. they stood by, knowing full well those people were here in the U.S. taking flight lessons at NW Airlines and other places, and they did NOTHING to stop it. so when you block funding for security measures at our embassies, in effect you are allowing for these kinds of things to take place. just stand aside and watch it all take place, and then place blame on someone else.
October 28, 2012 @ 2:41 am
Sounds about right… Getting our boys right in the action all over the world