true. we have the right to be icky. want to put your fairly, non-impressive dick on the internet ? mazel tov… however, Just Own It. Don’t deny, don’t spin stories, don’t make excuses. Just say…it’s mine. It’s my bad. I did it. I’m an ass-wipe, but an adult, consenting ass-wipe. then perhaps the news can move on to focus on more important things…
June 14, 2011 @ 5:13 am
true. we have the right to be icky. want to put your fairly, non-impressive dick on the internet ? mazel tov… however, Just Own It. Don’t deny, don’t spin stories, don’t make excuses. Just say…it’s mine. It’s my bad. I did it. I’m an ass-wipe, but an adult, consenting ass-wipe. then perhaps the news can move on to focus on more important things…