We think that you should contact Joy Behar as she certainly has an in with Larry King. At the least, maybe you could get on her show, and we don’t mean the View.
Though there are rumors that Joy had been hoping to replace him.
Looking forward to seeing your show, as we always do, over Labor Day Weekend.
Come to Tucson, AZ, instead. Easier to pronounce, more difficult to spell. We can go for a bike ride! Maybe hang out with Gabby Giffords or Raul “the bulldog” Grijalva. More queers here than Tempe, too. See you soon!
How’s this? We begin a campaign called “Lesbians Love Larry” and designate you our Leader, our Spokeswoman, as it were…(I can see a Care.2 petition in-the-making now!) The purpose of this group would be to thank Larry for all of the coverage (good AND bad) that he has given us over the years: while he might not have always understood us, at least he gave us air time.
Then SOMEONE ELSE would have to pull together a kick-ass funny clip montage of through the years of “Over the Rainbow With Larry King.” (Not to forget he’s been in drag himself, I believe I’ve seen it on YouTube.) (Although, now that I think about it, that could have been Willard Scott.) If there are NO clips to be found, well, then, make up a funny one yourself, where Larry asks one of his odd questions, and then cut to you, giving your own brand of answer.
Kate… You have a great team working for you…Michele, Tamara…have them pick up a phone, do a little schmoozin’, flaunt their skills…If that doesn’t work, you might want to consider the double homicide thing…now let’s see, who could you bump off ??? G.W. ? G.B. ? My ex ? I trust you, you’ll figure it out.
can’t wait to see ya in August
July 1, 2010 @ 11:28 pm
I say we start a “Kate on King” campaign on Facebook similar to what was done to get Betty White on SNL!
July 2, 2010 @ 2:25 am
Did you know that in Hebrew, zona means “prostitute?” Hmmm!
July 2, 2010 @ 4:35 am
We think that you should contact Joy Behar as she certainly has an in with Larry King. At the least, maybe you could get on her show, and we don’t mean the View.
Though there are rumors that Joy had been hoping to replace him.
Looking forward to seeing your show, as we always do, over Labor Day Weekend.
July 2, 2010 @ 11:21 pm
Come to Tucson, AZ, instead. Easier to pronounce, more difficult to spell. We can go for a bike ride! Maybe hang out with Gabby Giffords or Raul “the bulldog” Grijalva. More queers here than Tempe, too. See you soon!
July 4, 2010 @ 12:07 pm
How’s this? We begin a campaign called “Lesbians Love Larry” and designate you our Leader, our Spokeswoman, as it were…(I can see a Care.2 petition in-the-making now!) The purpose of this group would be to thank Larry for all of the coverage (good AND bad) that he has given us over the years: while he might not have always understood us, at least he gave us air time.
Then SOMEONE ELSE would have to pull together a kick-ass funny clip montage of through the years of “Over the Rainbow With Larry King.” (Not to forget he’s been in drag himself, I believe I’ve seen it on YouTube.) (Although, now that I think about it, that could have been Willard Scott.) If there are NO clips to be found, well, then, make up a funny one yourself, where Larry asks one of his odd questions, and then cut to you, giving your own brand of answer.
Or not.
July 8, 2010 @ 11:34 am
Larry has a twitter account. Let’s all tweet him. I think all you do is sign up with your email address.
Good luck!
July 15, 2010 @ 12:17 pm
Kate… You have a great team working for you…Michele, Tamara…have them pick up a phone, do a little schmoozin’, flaunt their skills…If that doesn’t work, you might want to consider the double homicide thing…now let’s see, who could you bump off ??? G.W. ? G.B. ? My ex ? I trust you, you’ll figure it out.
can’t wait to see ya in August