If you were the new president, what would be your first act in office? Other than beginning proceedings to bring Bush and Cheney to trial before an International War Crimes Tribunal, of course?
Kate wants to hear from you! The next question of the week, straight from Kate, is: If you were the new president, what would be your first act in office? Other than beginning proceedings to bring Bush and Cheney to trial before an International War Crimes Tribunal, of course?
To get your voice heard, simply hit the Comment link below and tell her what you think! No registration is necessary, and you can post anonymously if you want.
November 12, 2008 @ 9:13 pm
If I were the new president I would definitely change the “don’t ask, don’t tell” abomination of a policy as my first small task. Then I would casually inquire into why we have spent so many billions upon billions of dollars on the Global War on Terrorism and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Nobody seems to be getting anything done and all it is doing is making our economy pummel at a faster rate than we can even fathom to think about.
Then onto Gay marriage issues…why is it an issue anyways? Who has the right to say who can and who cannot get married. Right now the divorce rate is so high so what is it going to hurt if more people who are in love and want to start a family do so? Why should people be able to judge who we are just because they don’t like it, they feel uncomfortable or just don’t want to have there precious little worlds a little different, there is no difference between people here on this earth. We all wake up, put on our clothes the same way, and go through our days in the same manner and I would help educate the wondeful people of the U.S. of that.
November 14, 2008 @ 3:33 pm
Legalize hemp production for biofuels. Legalize marijuana (a la alcohol) for tax purposes and medical research.
Both ought to provide significant tax income to fund some of Obama’s initiatives, especially combined with the budget savings to local, state and federal entities forced to focus on mari-minutae.