Bitter? Moi?
Hold up, let me just get this gun back in my gun rack. I had it out after Church. No, not to go see the His Extreme Narrowmindedness in New York. I’m not the kind of gal.
I know it’s not fair to take Barack Obama’s words out of context. I actually agree with him about the dreary economic dead-endedness many Americans feel. Grocery-buying, tank-filling, tax paying American citizens, unlike our faith-based economists, are realists. Class resentment is a bitter pill whether you swallow it with rods or religion.
But it’s Pennsylvannia pre-primary pounce time and mountains will be made. It’s not like Obama was wind-surfing off Nantucket. Roll tape of pick-up basketball game. Ixnay on the bowling footage.
Okay, I’ll take back the thing about the gun rack and church.
But don’t you be going after my Annie Oakley! Have you no decency?
I was raised on Little Miss Sure Shot. In my impressionable single digits, I watched her on TV. Hence the photos of everyone in the family pictures posed in civvies, except me. I’m in the red and black, fringed cowgirl shirt with holster tied to my right thigh with a piece of rawhide. You can’t see the rawhide, but it’s there.
Annie Oakley, whose offspring went on to make a fortune in high-price, sporty sunglasses, and the very sexually ambiguous fly-girl, Mary/Peter Martin/Pan, were my early role models. I never warmed up to the lives of the young Christian martyrs which were bedtime stories for the tween Ratzinger. To me, the stories of girl-martyrs having their eyes gouged out in early abstinence-only programs or boy-martyrs asking to be turned on the barbie for Jesus, were more unsettling than inspiring.
But Annie Oakley! She was one sharpshooter! She could split a playing card edge at 90 feet with a .22 caliber rifle. And put five or six more holes in it before it touched the ground. And dodge sniper fire from Wild Bill at the same time. And she never shot anyone in the face. I’m not sure about the last two.
Could our darling Dems please hold their fire at each other? I’m much more interested in how they intend to set their sights on John McCain who each day girds himself in more media-made Reagan Teflon than any Iraqi soldier was ever issued.
Enough with the sappy Compassion Forums. It’s time to get out to the target-practice range of our nation’s Rod and Gun Club and show us some sharp shooting. Whoever hits the most skeets wins all the super-delegates. Pull!
April 15, 2008 @ 6:26 pm
I totally agree–I wish these two would stop carping at each other and figure out a way to just win this thing.
On the other hand, as a person who straddles many categories (and isn’t the word “straddles” just fun?), including rural mid-westerner and urban easterner, atheist but a permanent fixture on my parents’ church’s prayer calendar, non-gun owner who thinks that deer hunting is not just fine but necessary–I think Obama’s comment was very condescending. One more reason I’m glad I voted for Hillary.
April 20, 2008 @ 3:48 pm
Kate, I’ve been a fan since I first found you in the early ’90’s. . .no not me, the year. I am a bit older than you, but never mind that. A friend brought me a cassette tape of you and I laughed so hard I cried. . .do we even remember cassette tapes any more?. . .especially about the spare bedroom and the not real bed made of cinder blocks with a bed spread over it. Too close to the truth!
It took me so long to find you because I live in rural Idaho where guns, churches and bitter are pretty much how it is here for a lot of folks.
Is there anything about my life at nearly 68 years, single lesbian, PhD’d, purveyor of weird metaphysical concepts, laughing at myself and unable to remember most things when needed that fits into rural. religiously homophobic Idaho? What was I thinking? Well, it is quiet here.
I am Blog addicted to the progressive (?) blogs and I couldn’t agree more with this silliness of attacking your fellow democratic candidate. But then I am far too liberal and left leaning for even most democrats.
Here’s hoping it finishes better than it has middled. I’m still smiling. . .and I’m in Idaho. Think about it.
Thanks for all you have done and continue to do!