K8T Asks: What's your chosen family's favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Kate wants to hear from you! The next question of the week, straight from Kate, is: What’s your chosen family’s favorite Thanksgiving tradition? I like to wear my ‘TOO FULL TO FUCK’ t-shirt.
To get your voice heard, simply hit the Comment link below and tell her what you think! No registration is necessary, and you can post anonymously if you want.
November 20, 2007 @ 12:16 pm
To get us in the holiday spirit, we like to start the day with the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Then, we love to enjoy (with friends or family) all of the wonderful foods that you never eat during the remainder of the year. By 2 o’clock everyone needs a nap. Simple, but nice.
Happy Thanksgiving Kate.
November 21, 2007 @ 12:37 am
Loved your Thanksgiving shirt. Where can we buy one? Love you,Kate.
November 21, 2007 @ 9:23 am
Gobble – de – Gook”
An e-mail I sent to a friend last year…an OLD friend who knows that the reason I have a recipe for ice cubes posted on my fridge is because I really NEED it!!
Dear Cindy
Just got your Thanksgiving e-mail and the sentiments you expressed go both ways. Yep, if I were you I’d miss me too!!!! (Ha,ha)
In a couple of hours (about 1 A.M.) I will begin my annual Thanksgiving Day battle in the kitchen. We both know how adept I am in the cooking department. Every year I try to learn from my mistakes (Yes, I do make them!) and improve a bit (or at least make some NEW mistakes because being perfect would be sooooo boring). This year I will begin by dusting off the burners on top of the stove (and maybe even check underneath them for that missing piece of ceiling plaster that I never could find). And the one New Year’s Resolution that I aim to keep is to NOT preheat the pots and pans that I store in the oven………again!
I did manage to actually remember to pick up a turkey (he was hitchhiking on the side of the road and being the good samaritan that I am, I “picked him up”). At least this year I got the frozen turkey three days ahead so he could thaw in the fridge and won’t have to go through that circus like last year where I bought a frozen turkey 12 hours before dinner and had to take him down to the garage, open the hood of my car, put him on top of the manifold and rev up the engine for a couple of hours to thaw him out. (Interesting flavor that year…combination of carbon monoxide and Quaker State).
I can never remember from year to year exactly what to actually DO with the turkey so am grateful they come with instructions. But I screwed up and forgot to get one with a pop-up timer in it. I don’t have a meat thermometer but I DO have an old thermometer in the medicine cabinet I could probably stick in. Yeah, that should work. And this year I promised everyone that I would look inside the bird and TAKE OUT that bag of stuff that no one ever talks much about (Giblets, Gibberish…..something like that). And I think I threw out that sewing kit that I had for last year’s bird (You know, the one that makes his back end look like the top of a football). Figure I must have an old shoe lace hanging around here somewhere that will work just fine (or duct tape if I get desperate).
And we are not even going to talk about the apple pie that I SHOULD have baked on Tuesday when I had the whole day to myself with nothing to do. Instead here I am on Thanksgiving Eve thinking I should have had a brother who preferred pumpkin pie instead of apple ’cause that would mean only making one crust and that would mean I could sleep an extra half hour or even a whole hour ’cause I know I always have to throw out at least 2 crusts before I get it right.
So……I have to end this rant here as I actually have to do some work at work. But like you I do have many things to be thankful for this year. And if you give me an hour I might think of them (ha,ha). The best thing I have to be thankful for this week was that I was the one in the grocery store who, when pawing through all the small frozen turkeys, heard the lady next to me ask, “Don’t they get any bigger than this?” and I was able to reply, “Nope………..they’re dead!!” It’s not too often someone hands you a straight line line that just waiting to be responded to . (My apologies to Garrison Keillor’s annual joke night on NPR radio)
November 27, 2007 @ 5:03 pm
Ours is simple. We visit my partner’s family for every holiday. Currently, her siblings are 21 and 19. (There’s a big age difference.) What we’ve done for the past ten years or so is to bestow upon the last one out of bed the title of Senor/Senorita/Senora Pavo. (Spanish for turkey.)