I think the date is going real well- then……
Hi, Kate.
Ok. So, this isn’t as important as world peace
or freedom of oppression for women but here goes.
I find dating to be a real drag. I think the date
is going really well and then…(dramatic pause)….
There she is. Ms. Ex. I find myself working as a counselor
before the night is out. I don’t want to become bitter and jaded
(although under the current administration it can be difficult…),
but there’s nothing that puts out the sparks like a martini with a
therapy chaser. Suggestions? Encouragement? Co-dependent
support? Thanks! Amy
Not to worry, if dating is mastered [or of course mistressed] I believe
there will be world peace, freedom and an end to the oppression of
women. No wonder you feel the pressure.
Can you pre-select, to avoid costly dates? Like a questionnaire –
Where do you stand on the death penalty? Are you for Hillary Clinton?
How long has it been since you were with your ex? Do you love Napoleon
I admire ANYONE who is doing the dating. I’ve been in long
relationships m whole lesbian career. Of course they’ve been wonderful
hostages, I mean women but there was a tinge of dating avoidance. I
will not lie.
We’ll have a brand new woman president next year at this time. So
don’t lose faith.
December 11, 2007 @ 1:21 pm
Hello Ms. Clinton:
Thank you for your rare insight into the insanity that exists in so much of “society” these days.
I won’t list the obvious absurdities;you emumerate them quite well in your shows.
I do have a question, though. Within the last year, I have gone from a resigned air over this nonsense to anger, which usually stays on simmer unless I subject myself to the latest “pundit” on the cable news programs or listen to another inane speech by another braindead polician (or is that an oximoron?). Is it senility creeping in? Where is my patience? Do you reach an age where you have no more tolerence for the nonsense or is it simply that I have reached critical mass and am now a constant whistling tea pot?
It’s good to know there is someone like you out there who with the surgical precision available only with comedy manage to reveal the stupidty and hypocrisy out there. Frankly, I often wonder which is worse: 1) Do they actually believe the drivel they speak or are they trying to just make us believe the drivel?
Thanks for being “out there” since the early 1980’s.
P.S. I wish you had a spell checker available:)