You LOGO, Girl!
Could I possibly be more jaded? The Democratic presidential candidates made time in their multi-formatted debating/campaigning/fundraising schedules to debate on, as the other cable-anchorites called it, “LOGO, the gay-themed cable channel.” And I was all ho-hum.
It took me an ungrateful minute, but that was awesome! Holy Yes I Am, Batgirl! It’s 2007 and there’s a ding dang gay channel and the Dems debated on it. We took our rightful place with YouTube questioners, blogging conventioneers, whooping AFL-CIOers on steaming hot Soldiers Field. Next stop: The Food Channel. Would you ban transfats in Oreos? Discuss.
Despite dire, bogus FOX warnings that it’s a known fact that candidates who align themselves with gay groups don’t do well in elections, develop hardened facial boils and a propensity for lattes, those otherwise chickenshit-can’t-defeat a wiretapping-bill-before-recess Democrats did due diligence and appeared on LOGO. They did not return our calls. Their lowly staff minions, often closeted gay preppies, didn’t sneer “As if. . . ,” at the invitation to participate. They saved that for the Republicans.
Not only did the Dems debate, they struggled with their answers. It was painful/fun to watch them twitch and spin their desire to get rid of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, their love for their gay friends and family, their support for workplace non-discrimination and, then try to square all that good will with their logic-defying lack of support for gay marriage. We’re used to the liberal, secular version of love the sinner, hate the sin. I do hope some straight folks were watching. Some candidates, okay Hillary Clinton, seemed much more cautious and aware that anything she said would be an ominous tagline in a Republican campaign ad in about ten minutes.
We’ll see if the candidates are as gay-forthcoming in non-gay formats, but I wish one of the gay inquisitors, [we had gay inquisitors! Oh how our place at the table has turned!] had asked them if they thought heterosexuality was a choice or biological. I didn’t mind Bill Richardson’s answer at all. I’m pro-choice all the way. Being a lesbian is the choicest choice a gal can make.
As I redden at my own jaded, ho-humming this morning, I’m receiving excited e-mails about the departure of Karl Rove, who announced that he is leaving his post as presidential advisor to spend more time with his family. Which was last seen running screaming from the house. Some posit hopeful scenarios that finally the Dems are going to nail him. Oh please. They are hapless. And Dick Cheney is still running things, getting ready to declare martial law and his pre-emptive presidency. Karl Rove is figuring out how to spin that scenario right now. I think I’m beginning to identify the source of all my jade.
But that night on LOGO was still gob-smacking awesome. And not just because it wasn’t a rerun of Prisicilla, Queen of the Desert.
September 8, 2007 @ 10:48 am
I totally agree, and I agreed with the great Alec Mapa when he said about Dennis Kucinich “seemed like a magical person, like he was born on a flower.”