Now that the big Live Earth Concerts are over, and the non-biodegradable post-concert trash has been put in separate bins – what is that you actually do to save the earth?
Kate wants to hear from you! To get your own voice heard on the second K8T Asks question, simply hit the Comment link below and tell us what you think. No registration is necessary, and you can post anonymously if you want. And now, here’s Kate’s question:
Now that the big Live Earth Concerts are over, and the non-biodegradable post-concert trash has been put in separate bins – what is that you actually do to save the earth?
July 24, 2007 @ 3:48 pm
To help save the Earth, I recycle through our city’s recyling plan. We have all the new tiny flourescent bulbs in our house. I joined the Sierra Club to support their efforts. And, I try to save as many salamanders as I can despite the best efforts of my little (and fast) dachshund to kill them!
July 26, 2007 @ 3:50 pm
Hey Kate! Molly here from Western Kentucky University. Thought I’d tag you back and tell you that I have started BG Green here in Bolwing Green – A Partnership for susatinability. We are doing fanstic work here! Local Farmer’s Markets, starting a bike-friendly community, we have a free green “zine” that circualtes 4 times a year, a “green” directory with green-friendly businesses as partners, and much more. All within one year. Our anniversary is the first of October. And, we didn’t even have Bono open for us or Al Gore speak!
Just another note…your upcoming gig at IU Bloomington has a $35.00 price tag! I told you were expensive – that’s why I was so happy you were free to me!!!!
July 27, 2007 @ 6:18 pm
We are faithful recyclers and have replaced all the light bulbs in the house with the curly energy efficient ones. We do not buy or use styrofoam and try to avoid plastics. We turn the AC up when we are not in the house (and leave it up as hot flashes permit!!) We are also very careful about disposing of anything that might be dangerous to the environment such as batteries, paint, oil, etc.
July 28, 2007 @ 2:10 am
Kate, Kate,
I’ve only just begun to do my part in saving the Earth. Although I am not a woodsy kind of gal or into wood I do respect the environment and don’t contribute to littering. I do not possess a green thumb, but I talk to the plants and flowers that surround the home. I will continue to do my part to keep mother earth alive and thriving…
July 28, 2007 @ 8:48 am
I recycle, but more importantly, I recently signed up with a company to provide 100 percent of my house’s electricity from wind power. I very smugly felt this was a sacrifice I was making for the benefit of the planet, and now that I”ve gotten my first wind-powered electric bill, I *know* it is.
Hey Kate–why no Baltimore shows?
August 1, 2007 @ 9:07 am
The Wife and I joined a CSA (community-supported agriculture) farm so we get all our (organic and locally grown) produce there from mid-May through mid-November. We also use the compact flourescent bulbs, buy our meat from local sources, compost, recycle, and keep household hazardous waste out of the landfills by storing it until we can take it to a HHW collection day organized by our county (PA). I’m also about to trade in my 1999 RAV4 for a new Prius.
August 4, 2007 @ 12:44 pm
I support a lesbian friend of mine who is a PCV in Ghana. She is the bravest woman I know because she came out in Ghana, a culture which according to Dixie does not look kindly on gay folks. Her blogspot is I send books, comfort chocolate, medical supplies. She recently survived a first in her village, being bitten by a cobra on her way to the outhouse at night and living to tell about it. She is trying to get dictionaries for her students and a water supply to the village and I am saving up to help her with these expensive projects ($600) all told. I am also am an addictions therapist in a federal prison and educate the inmates in my groups about the importance of the environment, not using toxic chemicals for cleaning, compact florescents etc and just living clean so they have a chance to pay attention to these issues. My daughter and I recycle, compact florescents throughout the house, insulation, recycled toilet paper and towels and only enviro friendly cleaning supplies except for simple green which has some sort of carcinogen in it I was reading. I also only date green women.
August 6, 2007 @ 12:57 pm
The Wif and I planted a garden, cementing our granola dyke status. To date, we’ve harvested ~50 lbs of tomatoes, 6 lbs of eggplant, sweetpeas, onions, basil, and mint. We’re donating surplus tomatoes to the local HIV/AIDS Food Pantry.
Besides eating healthier & being all proud that we grew this stuff from seed, we’re realizing how many barrels of oil we’ve saved by not buying trucked-in produce.
September 10, 2007 @ 5:30 pm
The largest single contribution anyone individual can make…..I DIDN’T HAVE ANY CHILDREN…..
As a resource consuming (heat, car, goods) first worlder whose Malthusian heirs would otherwise expand exponentially, this does more to save the earth and it’s future resources than any collective action of breeding Sierra Club members or maybe even the Kyoto Accords. ZPG is the gift that keeps giving forever….