Ask K8
Coming Out In The Workplace
What advice would you give to a person that is only out to her very close friends
and her immediate family…and not out at her workplace?? I would like to come out
at work and include my partner in my health plan, but am afraid to come out to them
after working for them for nine years.?
PS:? They are a good company, but very, very conservative.
Take heart – you’re not the only one in this sitch! I’d recommend you go online and check out the organization Out and Equal, they work in workplace equality. For the big picture.
Also check out work and books by Brian McNaught, he’s been advising about being out at work for years and he’s really sensible. For the more personal picture.
You’ll figure out what’s best for you – but to quote Nike – ‘just do it’.
And gather your friends around!!
Do you work for Nike?
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