In 2016, without apparent hint of irony, I called my summer show, “Wake-Up Call”. Posing during selfie-sessions, fans would side-mouth to me, “You’re brilliant.” I would deflect, “It’s just because we agree.” The Rejection Election suggests I should have called the show “Clueless”.
Hair Trump’s ‘election’ is the triumph of Totalitarian Capitalism: a borderless, economic system of genocide and slavery that is the foundation of our country. He is less a president, more a trigger.
1. My country cannot imagine or elect a woman president.
2. Polls are artificial intelligence. Fake news is civic treason.
3. The non-alt-reich media should mic drop and walk away.
4. The Russians are here. The Russians are here.
5. Paperless votes are often treated like letters to Santa.
6. The Supreme Court. For the rest of my born days.
And yours.
7. “Where was the black vote?” – all year long black people have been brutalized and killed. On camera. Their killers were all acquitted.
8. “Where was the Latino vote?” Under President Obama millions of citizens of the world have been declared illegal, detained and deported.
9. Gay marriage is a gay mirage.
10. The Democratic Party is a driverless car.
The last two months of 2016 have been miserable and clarifying as an ice bucket challenge. I feel calm and determined, liberated. On to 2017.
December 20, 2016 @ 9:07 pm
Remember… THEY are in the box (of their own making)… WE are not and that is freedom. Show love! Thank you for everything you do and you do it SO well!
December 20, 2016 @ 9:08 pm
P.S. In the name of religious freedom… we are Katetheists!
December 21, 2016 @ 1:12 pm
I think “Wake-Up Call” had substance. “It couldn’t possibly happen” just became “We’ve been fooling ourselves”. I see far more clarity and seriousness of purpose now.
No more soft targets. What matters is what matters.
December 21, 2016 @ 1:16 pm
I feel like that little old lady from “The Russians are Coming” tied up on the chair with the scarf wrapped around her mouth.
December 28, 2016 @ 9:19 am
Well done.
December 28, 2016 @ 1:14 pm
Kate I love you and have met you in person (Bellingham and Provincetown) numerous times and always enjoyed your humor. And we have all agreed politically but on this issue we diverge.
I live in Washington state which, along with Oregon, went STRONGLY for Bernie. I believe CA, Nevada and New Mexico, among many others did so or would have if not for machine hacking.
With all due respect: I appreciate the first part of your essay here.
Yes to clueless, but not for the reasons you cite.
But there is so much more to the story, and hiding from the truth will NOT SERVE US. we need to be WIDE AWAKE AND UNITED for what’s in store.
PLEASE, I implore you all, look at the whole story now.
There is no need to run in fear from your fellow citizens or continue to demonize them as racist or sexist. They just knew what they wanted and they didnt want Hillary. These videos below will tell you why.
The real reason Trump won was because Dems dropped the ball. they ran a HIGHLY unpopular candidate- being a woman had ZERO to do with it – and stole the nomination from the one who would have beaten Trump. This was our election to lose, and we did, because the Elites live in a bubble and apparently seduced a lot of the rest of you to follow them.
the DNC and Democratic elites were clueless because they ignored the pain of the working people of this country, which Bernie spoke to. He would have beaten Trump for sure, but Debbie Wasserman Shultz and the rest of the corrupt Democratic Elite knew better.
Until we purge the party of the corporate elites that have hijacked it, and insulting Clintonites make amends to the Berners, we will be divided and Trump will pick us off one by one. How long will you wait?
PS the Russians had nothing to do with it. If they had, we would have seen some REAL PROOF by now. it’s a red herring. Dont be fooled.
Here are some videos you need to see to REALLY UNDERSTAND PHILLY and this election. it’s imperative for our own survival that we finally get this right.
Peace Out.
here is one:
and most importantly:
****this wont be easy to watch ****but it’s necessary to see the whole story, including the suppressed other side, the shadow that the those in power sought to marginalize and demonize:
you may have to scroll down on my facebook page to see it but it’s open to the public.
December 29, 2016 @ 1:17 pm
You are mistaken. Hillary was many times voted the most respected woman in the nation and the world. Her popularity ratings were never higher than when she served as Sec of State. After she stepped down, all of a sudden there was a crusade to brand her literally as a criminal. Saying that Ben Ghazi was her fault is like saying all the diplomats killed under the Bush administration were his fault. Saying that her using a private server would be like saying Jason Chaffetz and Troy Gowdy using private servers is illegal. For the record, her email was never hacked. She voluntarily turned over all of it. The DNC was hacked and John Podesta was hacked and those emails were filtered through Russian scrutiny before being turned over to Wiki Leaks. If you think Sanders could have won against the lying Trump machine, just think again. Social Democrat translates in Trump’s conniving mind to Socialist, to Communist sympathizer, to being against free enterprise capitalism. He would have been slammed and maligned and lied about just as much as Hillary was, and the Russians would still have interfered, and I doubt Bernie could have pulled it off. I can’t picture him debating Trump and doing any better than Hillary did. Hillary became the most disliked person besides Trump because a systematic Republican campaign of lies and fake news to make her so. Go check Hillary’s popularity ratings in 2012, before the attack at Ben Ghazi. While I doubt very much if her administration could have been effective, given the Republicans’ constant desire to investigate, I still believe that the country and the world would be much better off with her in charge, rather than the Orange Man or even Bernie, who seemed not to understand that his progressive ideas, while wonderful, could never have passed through a vindictive Republican-controlled House and Senate, and further, Bernie seemed to have little knowledge and less interest in foreign affairs. So while Hillary may not have done any better than Bernie on domestic policy, Hillary was a proven steady hand at foreign policy and respected around the world. As to Hillary “stealing” the nomination, no more so than Obama did in 2008. Yes, we need reforms in the primary process. And probably, if the electoral college continues to exist, their votes should be made proportional to the popular vote rather than winner take all.
December 28, 2016 @ 6:54 pm
I too live in WA state and believe you are sorely mistaken. Please. Being a woman had nothing to do with it-give me a break. Those of us in liberal bubbles such as W. WA were asleep at the wheel and so many of you chose to IGNORE Sanders warning and vote third party. And talk about the revolution though you have no understanding, nor will you be directly affected or on the real front line when the damage this FOOL creates gets started. But we might, oh Washington resident. When the nuclear incident he is itching to ignite sets off, don’t forget all those warheads on Whidbey…
I understand Trump supporters better than the likes of you.
December 29, 2016 @ 12:24 am
December 29, 2016 @ 11:37 am
I can handle all the assholiness the world can throw at me from the right, but this left, faux progressive saga of persecution is just too much.
Straight up BS, unfettered, melodramatic BS.
If I have a hankering for conspiracy theories, I’ll head over to InfoWars and Breitbart, inane receptacles of absurdity, oft-quoted by BernieBros during this campaign….
Spare me your imagined transgressions, and I’ll try to spare you my fury over your demonization of a fabulous candidate.
December 31, 2016 @ 2:05 am
What were White women thinking? Fifty-three percent of those who voted voted for Trump!