Got this great piece from a friend. Let the primary voting begin!
I Am Hillary
By: Nicole M. Anzuoni
Earlier this week during the CNN Democratic Presidential Town Hall, the first question Hillary Clinton faced from the audience was from a rumpled, twenty-something, introduced as leaning towards voting for Bernie Sanders. He proceeded to ask the former First Lady, United States Senator and Secretary of State why his generation showed little enthusiasm for her candidacy, and posited that many people his age think she is “dishonest”.
My reaction to this query/statement was pretty visceral. I understand, as does Hillary, that when you are in the political arena, you will be subject to withering examination and critique. That’s the deal. You must be prepared to answer any and all questions lobbed your way.
But, still, to direct the word “dishonest” in so cavalier a fashion to someone of Hillary Clinton’s stature seemed jarring. Comparably, I have not heard anyone ask Bernie Sanders, “why do so many of my contemporaries think you are a little kooky?” Or to Martin O’Malley, “my friends wonder how you deal with your irrelevance in this race?”
I could not help but feel like, “who does this kid think he is to speak to Hillary Clinton like that?” The tone was so cutting, entitled. It was so – familiar.
I, and many others, know this male privilege condescension well. Not in the exact terms or context as Hillary endured on Monday night (and throughout her career), but with the same subversive, sexist undertone. What do I mean?
By way of example:
• After hosting a successful fundraiser at my home for a progressive organization on which I served on the board of directors, the male head of the organization called my efforts “sweet”. (NB: sexism is not limited to any one movement or political party).
• Following my suggestion of a solution to a particularly vexing business issue, my male boss declared to the conference room filled with my colleagues, “Nicole gets a gold star for the day.”
These specific episodes happened years ago, but they remain with me. I knew my contributions were being undercut by this infantilizing language. Is this how these male leaders treated other men? No, I knew it was not. Rather, my male counterparts received, among other things, obsequious accolades such as, “he has a truly nuanced view of the complexities of the business”.
I realized it was not surprising that I was so offended by this particular question during the Town Hall.
Because I am Hillary.
I have more experience than many of my colleagues, work hard to ensure I am thoroughly prepared on all issues for which I am responsible, and yet my accomplishments are routinely devalued and diminished. I do not mean just the insidious ridicule-masked-in-praise language I have faced, which some will dismiss as merely being overly sensitive. I mean I have been paid significantly less than the men in similarly situated positions with whom I have worked. The words are just used to reinforce my lack of standing. This is fact, not a feeling. Men get the laudatory praise and the lucrative promotions. When I have asked to be compensated fairly based on my merits as well as relative to my male colleagues, I have been labeled “over-reaching” and “ungrateful”.
How can any of us who experience these realities expect anything different when the most admired woman in the world regularly encounters similar obstacles? In Hillary’s case, just substitute polls for pay.
Despite what pundits said early on in the presidential race about Hillary’s candidacy being inevitable, many knew this time around would be a trudge just like her 2008 campaign. Eight years have passed, her resume has grown even more impressive, the country has evolved in certain ways, but one thing has not changed: she is still a woman.
Her detractors say they will support “anyone but Clinton.” Change the name on the 2016 ballot to Bill Clinton and I do not think the “anyone but Clinton” proclamation holds. Isn’t it really more accurate to say some voters will support “anyone but a woman?”
Others will say their issue is voting for this woman as President of the United States. She has “too much baggage”, she is “conniving”, she is a “crazy bitch”. Funny, these phrases sound an awful lot like the unpleasant descriptions hurled by men about their ex-wives or ex-girlfriends. But this is the rhetoric we hear too often associated with opposition to Hillary Clinton as President, not a sophisticated parsing of her policy positions. I find it remarkable that Bernie’s loud, generally grumpy and gruff disposition has been labeled “authentic” and “endearing”. Hillary’s resolve in confronting unending attacks, however, makes her “untrustworthy” and “unlikeable”.
And yet like a no frills, venerable Timex watch, Hillary “takes a licking and keeps on ticking”. Hillary absorbs hit after hit. That’s what all of us Hillarys have to do in our everyday lives. What choice do we have? We have to believe that by getting up from every pushback, we move ever so much closer to eliminating the inequity, to changing the dialogue, to making things a little easier for those who come after us.
While not a total solution, having a woman in the highest office in the nation would be another step towards a more gender enlightened country. And there is no one with more experience or better preparation (and there probably never will be in my lifetime) to take up that mantle than Hillary Clinton.
If none of this resonates with you, if you have never experienced anything like what I have described above, well, you are most likely either (a) lucky or (b) the perpetrator of such affronts (consciously or unconsciously).
Ask your grandmother, your mother, your aunt, your wife, your daughter-in-law, your sister, your cousin, your daughter or your granddaughter if she has had to abide such indignities, such assumptions about her skills or her character, and I bet many of them will also say, “I am Hillary”.
February 1, 2016 @ 5:46 pm
Well said. Bravo for stating it clearly. We live in a misogynistic America, where young men only respect other men, where young women believe they are truly equal because they do not question anymore, just accept the status quo. The young haven’t lived without rights, so they think they will always be there. This election may change that, we could lose rights, hopefully we will not have to go thru that to realize we must fight to be truly equal in all eyes.
February 1, 2016 @ 7:36 pm
Great post!
February 2, 2016 @ 10:33 am
Anna may be correct. The article basically states the problem, “Following my suggestion of a solution to a particularly vexing business issue, my male boss declared to the conference room filled with my colleagues, “Nicole gets a gold star for the day.”
These specific episodes happened years ago, but they remain with me. I knew my contributions were being undercut by this infantilizing language. Is this how these male leaders treated other men? No, I knew it was not. Rather, my male counterparts received, among other things, obsequious accolades such as, “he has a truly nuanced view of the complexities of the business”.
When you recognize the problem you rephrase the Nicole geta a gold star for the day. You state the obvious. “thank you for noticing that I have a truly nuanced view of the complesities of the business”.
The adage the cream rises to the top is true in life…all life.
February 2, 2016 @ 12:01 pm
I think a point is missed here. I am a 59 year old professional who has experienced much discrimination throughout my work and personal life. The young man’s point is critical to understanding how many Americans view Hillary. He may have been “too direct” in his question, but so are most millenials. His generation is sick of the obfuscation and social etiquettes used to hide true feelings and beliefs. I am a Democrat, and have always been, but if Hillary is to win the Presidency she needs to take the bull by the horns and directly and overtly to the mostly misinformation that has been draped over her by the Republicans.
February 2, 2016 @ 12:15 pm
I am a male. I feel like I am giving Hillary the same scrutiny that should be given to anybody running for the highest office in America.
When it comes to her baggage, I feel like Bill is a big part of that baggage. With the email thing, maybe she didnt do anything illegal but I think she showed poor judgement. I would feel the same if she was a male.
I am a Bernie supporter but I will say if Liz Warren were running instead of Bernie, I would be behind her as enthusiastically as I am for Bernie.
I feel that looking at it through a filter of misogyny can offer insights but it may not be the whole story. I find many politicians revolting in their flip flopping and shady connections. I hold Hillary to the same standard as any other politician.
Something to celebrate is Hillary won in Iowa last night. No matter what that is a win for Women because a Woman took Iowa for the first time. The tides ARE shifting.
Please dont accuse me of mansplaining for stating only my own opinion and experience. I find that frustrating
February 7, 2016 @ 12:02 am
“Liz Warren?” Are y’all tight, bro?
February 10, 2016 @ 12:23 pm
People don’t think she’s dishonest because she’s a woman. I/we distrust her sincerity about wanting to help the middle class when she’s got ties with Monsanto and campaign contributions from them and other large corporations and wealthy individuals. If wealth gets her elected she is no better than Trump.
No matter how much the guy’s question stung, he had every right to ask it and I don’t doubt his sincerity. Let’s not wimp out and believe Hillary can only lose because she’s a woman. This seems to be her biggest credential to a lot of women despite her record and accomplishments. You can’t cut it both ways.