I love you Kate. Je vous adore! When are you coming out to San Francisco? Don’t you think that Marc Huestis would love to produce a show with you in San Francisco at the Castro Theater. No I don’t know Marc personally.
Hi Kate, I just received your Communikate newsletter. I appreciate your anger. (loving your humor,wit,satire and intelligence goes without saying, although I guess I just did) When I have said, in the past, that the terrorists have won, people get pissed. They don’t get it or don’t want to. Eggs…ex benedict! Lol!
and I just want to say thanks for being back and for being pissed. ~P.J.
October 3, 2013 @ 12:30 pm
I love you Kate. Je vous adore! When are you coming out to San Francisco? Don’t you think that Marc Huestis would love to produce a show with you in San Francisco at the Castro Theater. No I don’t know Marc personally.
Come come to SF!!
October 8, 2013 @ 5:52 am
Hi Kate, I just received your Communikate newsletter. I appreciate your anger. (loving your humor,wit,satire and intelligence goes without saying, although I guess I just did) When I have said, in the past, that the terrorists have won, people get pissed. They don’t get it or don’t want to. Eggs…ex benedict! Lol!
and I just want to say thanks for being back and for being pissed. ~P.J.