Love these vlogs! Yes, I’ve always wondered why no one has brought up the Viagra thing in talking about contraception insurance. Is this the same mentality at work with guys who refuse to have their dogs neutered? It’s OK for them to get what they want, but women have to follow some wacko belief that God is in charge. If God is in charge, then he designed those little male parts to stay where they are. Not up. 😉
good thought, Karen! Actually, a number of years ago, as the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) was pushing labor unions to include contraception in their contracts as basic health benefits, at least one woman regularly made the Viagra connection in her speeches: CLUW Natl President Gloria Johnson said something like this: “Now I know that my talking about women’s breast care and contraception as a labor issue makes some of you fellas uncomfortable. Get over it. If you say it isn’t important to include contraceptive coverage in every single contract we negotiate, then we say let’s drop your getting the cost of Viagra covered. That’s right, if we can’t have help in saying ‘No,’ then y’all shouldn’t get help in getting it up. (pointing directly at individual guys in the sudience) “I mean You and You and You and… .” To a man, they crossed their legs and looked away. True story. I was there. I
February 10, 2012 @ 10:40 pm
Wow, Kate, you look great and are FULL of energy. It’s almost as if you’d gone on a long cruise with a boat full of lesbians.
February 12, 2012 @ 9:51 pm
Love these vlogs! Yes, I’ve always wondered why no one has brought up the Viagra thing in talking about contraception insurance. Is this the same mentality at work with guys who refuse to have their dogs neutered? It’s OK for them to get what they want, but women have to follow some wacko belief that God is in charge. If God is in charge, then he designed those little male parts to stay where they are. Not up. 😉
February 17, 2012 @ 1:10 pm
good thought, Karen! Actually, a number of years ago, as the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) was pushing labor unions to include contraception in their contracts as basic health benefits, at least one woman regularly made the Viagra connection in her speeches: CLUW Natl President Gloria Johnson said something like this: “Now I know that my talking about women’s breast care and contraception as a labor issue makes some of you fellas uncomfortable. Get over it. If you say it isn’t important to include contraceptive coverage in every single contract we negotiate, then we say let’s drop your getting the cost of Viagra covered. That’s right, if we can’t have help in saying ‘No,’ then y’all shouldn’t get help in getting it up. (pointing directly at individual guys in the sudience) “I mean You and You and You and… .” To a man, they crossed their legs and looked away. True story. I was there. I