If you had to cut one federal spending program, which would it be?
Kate wants to hear from you! The next question of the week, straight from Kate, is: If you had to cut one federal spending program, which would it be? To get your voice heard, simply hit the Comment link and tell her what you think! No registration is necessary, and you can post anonymously if you want.
February 22, 2012 @ 8:23 am
Cut the pork. If a deparment or organization received money for ‘pork’ projects last year, then reduce their budget allowance by that amount this year and all subsequent years. Then maybe, just maybe, Congress will think twice about attaching unnecessary funding to bills.
February 22, 2012 @ 7:41 pm
I just want to know if my 15 year old son could make money in any way as he enlarges his thumbs on the ps3.
“A total of $3 million has been granted to researchers at the University of California at Irvine so that they can play video games such as World of Warcraft. The goal of this “video game research” is reportedly to study how “emerging forms of communication, including multiplayer computer games and online virtual worlds such as World of Warcraft and Second Life can help organizations collaborate and compete more effectively in the global marketplace.”
February 22, 2012 @ 9:15 pm
the “offense” budget (could be called the defense budget if we were actually defending ourselves against anything/one)
February 22, 2012 @ 9:42 pm
Defense. Not entirely, but the amount of money we spend per capita in America on defense is idiotic & keeps us all enslaved to the military-industrial complex.
Cut out the pork. Cut out the incentives given to businesses when they ship American jobs overseas, we should not be subsidizing downsizing!
And let’s ponder a novel concept, the flipside of the coin, which is revenue-generating: How about business paying its fair share in taxes? Cut the loopholes which allow businesses to pay little or no taxes. We ALL use the infrastructure, we should ALL contribute to its upkeep.
February 22, 2012 @ 9:52 pm
Like they said (read up). Well said all of you .
Susan Allen
February 22, 2012 @ 10:15 pm
Congressional pensions, their health care coverage and their expense accounts! Further before I would let any of them vote on legislation that limits any women’s health care options or before they could re-fill or obtain a prescription for Viagra or any other ED similar drug or device, I would make them summit to a testiclogram (similar to a mammogram but the testicles are smashed in the mammogram machine for about a minute to get the proper radiological image) then subject them to an intra-penile ultrasound probe to see if they really need that Viagra. Oh, and those exams would be out of pocket expenses for them and prohibited from being covered by any health insurance they might have.
sandy arnold
February 22, 2012 @ 10:54 pm
defense and or religious organizations
Janet L.
February 23, 2012 @ 2:29 am
There is a lot I would cut from the Federal Budget…certainly “The Pork”…I am sure there is a lot of that in this country. I agree with Sandy A. “defense and or religious organizations”. Jewell makes a great point as well…and certainly cut the incentives for any corporation shipping our jobs out of our country…and so much more. No room to write it in this small box.