It’s Half-Wit Time in America!

It’s Half-Time in America! Let’s bring to the field our half-time show!

It’s not the Madonna. It’s the Whore and her Marching Taliband led by that aspermative action majorette Rick “the P is silent” Sanctimoron. He’s from Old Dominion. Because of a dwindling supply of white people, the white wing of the Republican Party wants no sex education in schools, no choice for women and no contraceptives. The Catholic Bishoprics have not a moral leg to stand on since the pedo scandal. Retired Cardinal Egan just said they did nothing wrong and he never should have apologized. The Clothmen are trying to get the gov’t to enforce the laws they cannot make their own parishioners follow.  And somehow THEY are the victims! Neat trick.  Why not go hide in the catacombs again?  Since unfair is unfair, I suggest – no insurance coverage for St. Viagra; prescription drug counter clerks can refuse to fill Ciallis prescriptions; every woman gets a can of mace and a gun.   Just a reminder: the most reliable contraceptive is lesbianism.
