Kate…you are all in a lather about women not being more pro-active in the social networking movement…and I am so there with you. How about you and some of your more influential and financially powerful gal pals get behind a woman/or group of women and support the start-up of an all-female run social network ? I am sure there are plenty of talented, motivated and tech savvy women who would love nothing more than to be part of this huge and continuously growing tech industry, but they lack the capital to ignite the launch …people listen to you Kate, well most do…speak up, show your support and I guarantee there will be women chompin’ at the bit to create the next facebook, twitter, groupon, if you are behind the cause or corporation in some way. Encourage it to happen…and it will. As if you have not created enough of a legacy already…Peace,Michele.
Kate, I think this is pretty weird considering women have always been considered more “social” and chatty. Oh right…Facebook was invented by a guy to rate women. Hmmmm. Anti-social Media!!!
April 8, 2011 @ 1:59 am
Kate…you are all in a lather about women not being more pro-active in the social networking movement…and I am so there with you. How about you and some of your more influential and financially powerful gal pals get behind a woman/or group of women and support the start-up of an all-female run social network ? I am sure there are plenty of talented, motivated and tech savvy women who would love nothing more than to be part of this huge and continuously growing tech industry, but they lack the capital to ignite the launch …people listen to you Kate, well most do…speak up, show your support and I guarantee there will be women chompin’ at the bit to create the next facebook, twitter, groupon, if you are behind the cause or corporation in some way. Encourage it to happen…and it will. As if you have not created enough of a legacy already…Peace,Michele.
April 9, 2011 @ 4:32 am
Awesome Kate totally with ya on all levels GO the sista hood
April 12, 2011 @ 11:13 am
Kate, I think this is pretty weird considering women have always been considered more “social” and chatty. Oh right…Facebook was invented by a guy to rate women. Hmmmm. Anti-social Media!!!