Kate wants to hear from you! The next question of the week, straight from Kate, is: LGBT are not full citizens. We should not pay taxes. Discuss. To get your voice heard, simply hit the Comment link and tell her what you think! No registration is necessary, and you can post anonymously if you want.
K8 Asks
April 12, 2011 @ 5:06 am
Of course we should not pay taxes in proportion/relation to the benefits we are denied.
April 12, 2011 @ 8:45 am
Aside from the fact that none of us should pay taxes..I think we should each be able to pay in our own currency. I, for instance, could pay in dryer lint..I seem to have an over abundance of dryer lint, let the government figure out what service to provide with all my dryer lint. Think how surprised Speaker Boehner would be when he opened his pay envelope and all it had in it was dryer lint. I bet he wouldn’t mind sharing some of that dryer lint with Planned Parenthood. What currency would you use?
April 12, 2011 @ 9:52 am
actually I never thought about it, makes sense though!!
Kate I elect you to take care of this issue for us all.
If any one can it is you, I am very confident!!
April 12, 2011 @ 11:08 am
I love the idea of paying taxes based on my LGBT rights or lack of…I also love the idea of sleeping with a sexy tax attorney that can defend my case when the IRS catches up with me.
April 14, 2011 @ 1:12 am
I agree 100 percent. Thank you for your courage to make this stand. Why should we LGBT support the rest of the het community that oppresses us? Even more so, for us living in
exile in binational couples. Keep on keeping on! SCM
April 14, 2011 @ 2:38 am
If we’re treated as second or no-class citizens, then the only way to drive home the point would be to link it all to taxes paid. We know it’s a pipe dream (witholding taxes until we’re granted equal rights & protections under the law). But right about now, with the crazed neocon right-wing agenda in full-swing to privatize everything, it makes me wonder why any of us -straight or gay- pays taxes?
If you think about it, what’s going on in America right now, very quietly (because our mass media is in cahoots with corporations to ransack not only our Treasury, but things like highways, bridges, parks, etc that were built & are maintained with our tax dollars) is nothing less than robbery -by the robber barons themselves!
I don’t agree that we shouldn’t pay taxes. We should for obvious reasons. But not if what we, as taxpayers, have paid for already is going to be usurped by corporate interests. Sure, “usurp” might not be the proper word, but when you consider that WE paid the bill for these things to be built, corporations are getting a steal of a deal on most of it.
What’s happening now is the opposite of socialism, and that’s why the right-wingnuts keep screaming “down with socialism!”
So, in answer to your question, because I so horribly & maniacally went off on a tangent there, IF it’s possible to do so, I agree we shouldn’t pay taxes until we are granted equal rights & protections under the law. How we go about doing that is another matter altogether. Payroll taxes & all. They’ve got us by the proverbial balls. *sigh*
On another note, I’m daily becoming more & more outraged at what’s happening in America.
April 14, 2011 @ 2:45 am
Okay, I just noted I completely controverted my original position.
What I meant to say is, I don’t agree that we shouldn’t pay taxes because that money is used for things like building & maintaining infrastructure, social programs, etc. In this respect, we should continue to pay our taxes because we GET IT. We understand WHY we pay taxes.
However, I don’t agree with paying my taxes so some corporation can come along & buy what my taxes paid for & then charge whatever they want for it. It’s wrong.
I do believe in tax revolts as a method to drive home a point with our elected officials. America & its elected officials are so far off-track, it boggles my mind. I feel like as a nation, we are in free-fall mode. There is so much corruption & greed, such an insidious agenda afoot that I don’t feel like it’s America anymore.
April 14, 2011 @ 2:50 am
Okay, so in essence….sticking to the question of LGBTQA issues, witholding taxes might sound like a plan, but someone’s gotta come up with a legal method of protest vis a vis the witholding. Otherwise we’re all gonna end up in the pokie. BUT -perhaps if enough of us protest in this manner, the point will be driven home.
So, in my estimation, and I never thought I’d say this, there is more being violated right now in America than just the rights of LGBTQA people. Because their agenda is bigger than just wasting our money & not governing very well, our agenda has to expand as well to encompass returning America to what she used to be.
Now I’ll shut up.
April 14, 2011 @ 3:24 am
The US leads the Western world in repressive laws and policies against gays and lesbians. (By the way transgendered people often can get married and often have more marriage rights than gays and lesbians- I know some who did).
Until we have marriage equality and residency equality for our non US partners we should be free of paying tax money used to support countries with anti gay policies – such as the United States.
April 14, 2011 @ 6:18 am
Hi Kate,
What I think is we can pay taxes but – when we file our taxes we should get a tax cut. Say 3600 dollars for not reproducing.
April 14, 2011 @ 6:26 am
Makes sense to me. For real civil disobedience, though, a bunch of us will have to be willing to do the time involved, no small thing. Have you heard what federal prisons are like?
As Jewell said, we have to organize this thing: attornies at the ready AND “friends on the outside” prepped to swing into action. With the right infrastructure, I’m there.
April 17, 2011 @ 5:15 am
Agreed – no paying of taxes and no jury duty until we get gay marriage.
It’s amazing how the government overlooks how much money it could actually make from us LGBTs!
April 21, 2011 @ 11:02 pm
I’ve been saying this since Ryan published his first Roadmap for America. No change to the tax code until gays are treated fairly. I pay a lot of money in taxes and I really don’t mind, until I discovered that my youngest brother and his wife earn nearly the same as my wife and me and they pay less in taxes.
April 22, 2011 @ 12:39 pm
Are you kidding? Of course we shouldn’t be paying as much since we are given fewer protections and rights. But as we all know, they have us paying MORE for less. Single people pay more than married couples and in the federal gov’s eyes we are all single.
I have always thought we could make everyone happy if they would just give us a very large, island somewhere and declare us our own LGBT country. We can take in all the gay refugees that other countries are beating and hiding and killing. We can have pride week, every week. It will be fabulous darlin’. And we will be, of course, the biggest art and entertainment country in the world. ALL the big movie and TV companies will beg to have their corporate offices there and we will tax the hell out of them.