What do you think of "outing"? Do you think it's different from "reporting"?
Kate wants to hear from you! The next question of the week, straight from Kate, is: What do you think of “outing”? Do you think it’s different from “reporting”? To get your voice heard, simply hit the Comment link and tell her what you think! No registration is necessary, and you can post anonymously if you want.
March 23, 2011 @ 2:43 am
I don’t agree with ‘outing’ unless it’s done to show someone’s hypocrisy. Politicians who talk one way in public and another in the bedroom NEED to be outed; ordinary citizens don’t… unless they are openly anti-gay. My 2¢.
March 23, 2011 @ 2:51 am
I agree with Rough Acres — out the hypocrites who decry homosexuality and then hire gay “personal assistants” to travel with them. I do not agree with outing those who are just living their life and have not reached a point where they feel comfortable enough to come out. We all live in different circumstances and not everyone has a support network to fall back on.
March 23, 2011 @ 10:29 pm
Such a hard question. I believe nobody should be in the closet but then my life isn’t in danger for coming out. My job isn’t in danger and I won’t lose my children if I come out. I agree with RoughAcres that anyone who is so in the closet they are using it to hurt us or keep us from our rights as human beings should be outed.
When I was younger and raising my child I did not come out to my employer because I was afraid of losing my job. I did get evicted with no notice once when my landlord found out I was gay. He showed up with a cop and they watched us while we carried all our stuff to the yard. No 30 day notice and I had just paid my rent – he kept that and my security payment. I had just a few hours to move. They called us “unsavory characters” and had the right then to evict us with no notice – just on the basis that they had heard we were gay.
I am out to everyone in my life now. My child is grown and I refuse to breathe one more moth ball for anyone.
March 24, 2011 @ 11:00 pm
outing can be a very dangerous thing. I was very open to my coworkers and we were able to work very well together until one of the doctors found out…That’s when all hell broke loose, seems the male ego was not exempt in a professional such as the doctor. I should have known since as long as I worked at that place all I ever heard was abusive language from that one man regarding gays and lesbians…I was promptly fired after over a year of dedicated service…So as far as outing? I say NO!
March 25, 2011 @ 7:18 am
I believe in outing any public person actively working to further LGBT discrimination. If you’re voting to take away my rights while you snuggle with your boyfriend while your wife is with her girlfriend, oh say, Gov. Kasich of Ohio, then you’re fair game. Then let the reporting begin!
March 25, 2011 @ 8:41 am
You can call “outing” and “reporting” two different things, but the effect on someone who is not out is the same. I understand people’s anger and frustration with those who say things that are damaging to the community and live a closeted life. Not everyone has the same journey to accepting their sexuality or being out. I am a conservative and sometimes people do not agree with my politics..does that give them the right to out me? Reporting is all too subjective, facts are manipulated to fit a perspective. I say no outing.ever.