kate… i’m sorry to say i don’t think you read the bill. nothing passes until an ordered review is completed. do you know how long ordered reviews take? take 4 mins to read this bill and then comment again. you fall for these verbal blowjobs all of the time…it’s creepy.
Bill, shmill – the important thing is the symbolism of the vote. While repeal of DADT is an important step… it is not the keystone for our case. Repeal of DOMA, the Prop8 trial coming up: THESE are the hills we must climb, and even with repeal of DADT, it will not be easy. The really, really BIG money is against marriage equality (some religious thing or other; economically, it would be a real boon to local businesses, though the big corps are vehemently against equality… too many repercussions for them).
Yes, an ordered review will take a long time. And yes, it is disgustingly dishonest for any public official to claim he/she/they have “freed” us in some way; all we can do now is kill for our country if necessary.
But timing on gay freedom will depend upon a Perfect Storm of legal maneuvering, not the least of which is on Boies’ and Olson’s shoulders, and with a conservative Congress having been elected by the 30% of us who actually bothered to VOTE in the midterms (their crazies > our zealots), a conservative Supreme Court that tips on the sensibilities of a single Justice whose opinions aren’t predictable nor (lately) encouraging… well, we are left with hope, and activism, and focus on our cause.
Because it’s no time for complacency. As women discovered when we first sought the right to vote, a movement has a lifespan…. and it will die from lack of determination, grit, and just sheer NUMBERS who bother to show up and voice their support.
And we all need a few minutes to celebrate the first step on that journey: the vote, in the United States Senate, to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the face of religious bigotry.
Right on, K8!
BTW, connie? The term “verbal blowjobs” in your post…. ugh. What a creepy thing to say in a public forum and totally, totally worthy of a troll.
December 24, 2010 @ 12:59 am
Your vlog has been so inspirational to me. Thanks so much, K8
December 28, 2010 @ 10:55 pm
kate… i’m sorry to say i don’t think you read the bill. nothing passes until an ordered review is completed. do you know how long ordered reviews take? take 4 mins to read this bill and then comment again. you fall for these verbal blowjobs all of the time…it’s creepy.
January 4, 2011 @ 2:21 pm
@Connie… wow, way harsh.
Bill, shmill – the important thing is the symbolism of the vote. While repeal of DADT is an important step… it is not the keystone for our case. Repeal of DOMA, the Prop8 trial coming up: THESE are the hills we must climb, and even with repeal of DADT, it will not be easy. The really, really BIG money is against marriage equality (some religious thing or other; economically, it would be a real boon to local businesses, though the big corps are vehemently against equality… too many repercussions for them).
Yes, an ordered review will take a long time. And yes, it is disgustingly dishonest for any public official to claim he/she/they have “freed” us in some way; all we can do now is kill for our country if necessary.
But timing on gay freedom will depend upon a Perfect Storm of legal maneuvering, not the least of which is on Boies’ and Olson’s shoulders, and with a conservative Congress having been elected by the 30% of us who actually bothered to VOTE in the midterms (their crazies > our zealots), a conservative Supreme Court that tips on the sensibilities of a single Justice whose opinions aren’t predictable nor (lately) encouraging… well, we are left with hope, and activism, and focus on our cause.
Because it’s no time for complacency. As women discovered when we first sought the right to vote, a movement has a lifespan…. and it will die from lack of determination, grit, and just sheer NUMBERS who bother to show up and voice their support.
And we all need a few minutes to celebrate the first step on that journey: the vote, in the United States Senate, to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the face of religious bigotry.
Right on, K8!
BTW, connie? The term “verbal blowjobs” in your post…. ugh. What a creepy thing to say in a public forum and totally, totally worthy of a troll.