I Get Bitter
How far back did Cher turn time?
Neanderthal NY Republican Gubernatorial wannabe Carl Paladino, looking like that other homophobic-spewer Pope John Paul, knuckle-drags out tired old anti-gay tropes – brain-washing, pride parade indecencies, I wouldn’t want my nieces, etc. Paladino sounds like the crazy porn-loving Uncle at the holiday table who has a few belts and starts his “I’ll tell you what I think. . .” as everybody rolls their eyes and starts to clear the table.
Uncle Carl’s remarks are of course stand-alone despicable, but even more so in the context of the heinous gay-bashing in the Bronx by the Latin King Goonies. The vileness of his ham-handed remarks to Orthodox Jews and his subsequent morning talk show re-affirmation of those remarks is amplified in the context of the recent cluster of gay suicides.
Every day well-financed puppets of right wing extremism pop up like hydra-headed wac-a-moles. The team just keeps coming at you. And now the Buffalo Bullies have super-fine, foxy feminista cheerleaders The Grizzly Gals!
While I like to think that it gets better and that these are the dying gasps of a flailing campaign or the last foul breaths of the rigor mortis that is homophobia, I don’t have the luxury of “I’m just sayin. . “ Nor should a mumble-core Cuomo or an unenthusiastic electorate.
My dear galpal reminds me the only antidote to this bitter bile is action. So I’m brewing a big witch’s vat of Bitter Begone! It’s lo-cal. Come out. Speak out. Vote. Dammit.
October 13, 2010 @ 1:32 am
Hey, quit insulting Neanderthals! They didn’t drag their knuckles on the ground. Also, there’s evidence that they were as gentle as it was possible for hunters in the sub-Arctic to be; and that their society probably was egalitarian.
Paladino is a different species. Homo ignoramicus, or something. While there is a strong right-wing element in parts of New York State, history has passed it by. I think Paladino is doomed. I hope, I hope.
October 13, 2010 @ 2:25 am
Amen, Sister Kate. If this isn’t enough to motivate us, we should collectively call an undertaker. But as you say: bitter begone!
October 13, 2010 @ 4:42 am
Shocked by news from Serbia; had hoped things would get better there, particularly as Warsaw’s Gay Pride march was pleasantly good-natured despite the best efforts of the terrible twins these past few years…
October 15, 2010 @ 5:23 am
…Here’s the good thing about the Paladino’s out there. they are old, have antiquated ideas, are toxic to our political and emotional environments…and will pretty much be gone ( as in deceased ) in not too long a time frame. Kinda like those mean spirited, never got laid enough, creativity stomping teachers some of us had. There isn’t much we can do to them in our grown up years, but there is comfort…oh, so much comfort, just knowing that they are gone or soon to be gone from this wonderful place we call Earth. Then, we can all play nice-nice…That’s not saying we should not advocate, fight back and push for change in the meantime…but, with a little patience, a lot of these rigth wing, homophobic sh*t-heads will just expire. Like the milk that is sitting in my fridge right now. Gotta go shopping !