Feminist Classic Goosebumps
Feminist Classic Goosebumps
This morning in Ptown, I actually had goose bumps. The days are cooler; sunsets are earlier. What can you do?
What we have been doing all summer is having Feminist Classics Readings every Saturday night at nine p.m. on Commercial Street between our wonderful City Video store and Spiritus.
The idea started simply enough. My galpal told visiting friends she was reading the re-issue of Simone DeBeauvoir’s The Second Sex. A laconic, ironic friend from South Carolina suggested we do dramatic readings from it on the street. My galpal of course wanted to do a marathon reading of the whole thing. We worried it could go into early November.
We started simply. We brought some classics – Adrienne Rich, Mary Daly, Audre Lourde, Judith Butler – and classic collections The Lesbian Reader, The Butch Femme Reader and poetry collections. We read short selections, standing on the white wrought iron chair in front of an ATM. We invited passersby to pick something to read. We filmed the readings with a flip-cam. Volunteers held up our 8X10 sign handmade by Vanessa from the video store.
As the Saturdays went on, people brought their own favorite classics. There were regulars. Women read. Men read. Crowds gathered to see what was happening, stayed or walked on. There was one hook-up, that we know of. One night, twenty-one different readers read the twenty-one love poems of Adrienne Rich. Another night, a seven-year-old girl sang “You Are My Sunshine.” During Bear Week, we read excerpts from “The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm.” Bears sitting on the curb at Spiritus listened curiously and munched contentedly.
It’s a happening. And a gathering. Last week the official town crier lent his stentorian voice to the proceedings. A violinist gave musical accompaniment to some poems. Young standout readers gave gripping interpretations of the words so many of us grew up on.
As the summer winds down, we encourage others to start readings in their own hometowns. Once a month outside the farmer’s market, a local coffee spot or gathering place. We’re thinking of something at Lincoln Center. Keep it simple. It creates its own complexities.
This Saturday, I plan to read Gloria Steinem’s classic, “If Men Could Menstruate.”
August 23, 2010 @ 9:13 pm
What an amazing thing! I was just visiting there last Monday, but if I’d known about this, I might have tried to make it Saturday.
I hope you will consider including Judy Grahn’s poetry – if you haven’t already – her 21 love poems might make for good street reading, among others. Personally, I read “A Woman Is Talking To Death” on a regular basis – but it is long and a bit heavy… anyway, just thought to add this suggestion to what seems like a wonderful, affirming practice.
August 24, 2010 @ 12:08 am
that so rocks! i was in truro. wish i had known about it!
August 25, 2010 @ 12:41 am
The video was amazing, funny, and empowering. Wonder if I could organize a “Feminist Speaker’s Corner” here? Hmm….
August 25, 2010 @ 6:42 am
I heard from someone you read from an essay of mine too! Sounds like it was great fun. x0 j
August 26, 2010 @ 7:00 am
I vote for “If Men Could Menstruate” by Steinem. That piece has always kept me in stitches to the point of tears!
Or perhaps “The Angry Vagina” from “The Vagina Monologues”
August 26, 2010 @ 7:57 am
What a great idea! I’ve been wanting to read Mary Daly out loud and in public, especially since she departed the body, the entire oeuvre, and Susan Griffin’s Woman and Nature, probably I can find an awesome space here in Charm City to do so…you are (yet again!) an inspiration! XO!