Mem Sob
Greetings from the town o’ P, the day after the adorable, pony-tailed young gals have departed, slightly hungover, sunburned and screamed out. Not me. Them.
They had a blast despite the Town’s strict enforcement of the open container law. I had no idea how big Coleman coolers on wheels could be. The red plastic beer cups are now on sale at the Stop n Shop. Next year the merchants and the police should coordinate.
Hope no one in the area was wearing one of those SCRAM [secure continuous remote alcohol monitoring] bracelets that Ms. Lohan is sporting or the alarm would have gone off all weekend.
The baby-dyke watching from the bench in front of Spiritus was a pleasure. The just-graduated gals leave town to an uncertain job future, oil despoiling and a yo-yoing market, so I didn’t begrudge them one second of fun.
Started my Lady HAHA Shows at the Crown and Anchor and will resume at the end of June for the rest of the summer until Labor Day. I’m excited by all the new material and look forward to writing and performing it each night. And I’m working with props now. How do I do it? I don’t know.
Happy Gay Pride Month! Have fun and make trouble. Repeal DADT.
June 3, 2010 @ 2:27 am
Enjoy! Great report.
June 5, 2010 @ 6:57 am
Props? Bubble wrap, even? Maybe you and Pat Oleszko could do an act together now? 🙂