If you were the new Democratic president in 2009, what would be your first presidential proclamation to signal "change"?
Kate wants to hear from you! The next question of the week, straight from Kate, is: If you were the new Democratic president in 2009, what would be your first presidential proclamation to signal “change”?
To get your voice heard, simply hit the Comment link below and tell her what you think! No registration is necessary, and you can post anonymously if you want.
April 22, 2008 @ 3:46 pm
There are so many things that need changing but I supposed the first would be to end the war asap so we can restore the budget and fund education and health care. Second (my personal dream) to see that same sex couples are given the same “equal” rights as hetero’s and definately approve of same sex marriage.
April 22, 2008 @ 8:36 pm
This is such a tough question. So much is wrong with this country right now, I cannot imagine taking on the impossible job of trying to fix it (as I type this, Clinton leads Obama in Pennsylvania).
I would start by reassuring the natioin that the Bush admin. era of lies and corruption was over. And especially that the bottom 99% of the country was going to matter again. Their children would be coming home from war and not sent off to die again on false pretenses. By the end of my administration, they would have quality, affordable healthcare, and the economy would no longer be held hostage by malevolent billionaires or Wall Street execs sitting behind desks and making tens of millions a year taking bad risks with everyone else’s money.
I guess that would be the opening statement, then I would get to work on making it all happen–cracking some heads together, if necessary. Gay rights would be close to the top of the list, too.
April 22, 2008 @ 11:24 pm
I would first have George Bush arrested so he could not flee the country and then I would put him on trial for treason against the United States of America with all the penalties that are relevant to a prison charge at the prosecutors discretion. I would have the judges that anointed him president arrested for treason against the constitution of the United States and then I would make everything transparent about the harm he has done to the United States. I would fine him into poverty and then after he served his term release him from prison and deport him to Iraq after I stripped him of citizenship.
April 22, 2008 @ 11:53 pm
Well, let’s see. I would proclaim a separation of powers among 3 branches of government and would avow that only the legislative branch can make laws and proclamations. I would charge the judicial branch with ONLY interpreting the laws and would prohibit it from electing any future presidents. And I would confirm that my duty as president is to protect the Constitution, not break it. How’s that for a “change”?
April 23, 2008 @ 12:33 pm
My first act would be to use my presidential powers to bring all our troops home; second, would be to pour a ton of money into the VA system, get rid of the “Bushie” in charge of the VA system and let the troops allocate where the money is most needed. That would be day #1.
April 27, 2008 @ 3:41 am
I would issue a presidential “executive” order which would roll back every single Bush presidential “executive” order.
April 30, 2008 @ 2:51 am
My first proclamation would be, “The war has ended. Oil refineries, news media and drug and insurance companies are nationalized for at least two years or until they get their acts together. Doctors can no longer incorporate or own laboratories, etc.; they studied medicine, they need to practice medicine. All government workers, including the President, House and Senate, will be enrolled in the same health plan as ordinary citizens. A amenesty program has been developed for those hard working illegal immigrants in our country. A moratorium on all immigration is in place until our economy is stable. Any corporate head found with a hired illegal will be jailed. Any corporate head with a worker being paid less than minimum wage, who fails to withhold proper taxes, and fails to provide minimum health benefits, will be incarcerated for a very long, long time. All loop holes and tax codes are eliminated. This country will operate on a consumer tax for individuals; the more you buy, the more you pay. Corporations can produce goods for export but cannot have any part of their operation off shore; for two years they will be offered tax incentives for their efforts. Incentives also apply to all clean energy research and developent. Farmers are no longer subsidized to grow “nothing”. All monopolies formed in the last eight years are hereby dissolved; fair competition may eliminate malls that all look alike. A fair corporate tax will be developed in the
next 30 days; no loopholes or windfall profits will be allowed. All CEO salaries are frozen until further notice. At such time the greedy have realized the error or their ways, salary increases shall resume and be at the same percentage as the lowliest worker in the company. Retirement/separation packages will be two weeks salary and whatever vacation/sick leave accumulated. Women will hold 51% of all government and major corporation CEO and Board positions; effective within 30 days. All medical research programs will be limited to the study of women of all ages for at least ten years; if this is questioned, think of the research and money that went into the development of drugs to maintain an erection for four+ hours! Gimme a break!! All teachers will be given standardized tests in the subject matter they are teaching; if they fail, they will be re-trained for a different job. All qualified teachers will receive a 10% raise yearly until they reach a pay level equal to other jobs that require similar education and experience. The military no longer needed for the war will be dispatched to stop the illegal entry of drugs into our country and drugs sold on the streets. Arrested drug addicts will be offered a treatment program at no cost; second arrests will result in jail in a “Arizona Sheriff Joe-like” prison. Drug dealers/manufacturers will spend two years with “Joe” for first offense; sentence is tripled for all offenses thereafter. Members of the Supreme Court who have served more than eights years are mandatorily retired. All laws that have been reversed by this Court that effect women in a negative way regarding their health, safety and welfare, during the past eight years, are once again reversed. There are many more matters to correct, change and improve during my term in office; together we can return our country to the high status it deserves and regain the respect of the world. Some will call me “commie-pinko”; you can call me “common-sense sweetheart”. Thank you and don’t forget to vote for me in the next election!”
April 30, 2008 @ 6:39 pm
End the war. Pay teachers the same salary as professional athletes and “stars”. Take care of poor children and old people.
Educate, educate, educate our youth. Take care of our earth, it is the only one we have.