It Ain’t Over
Hillary Clinton is like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. She just keeps coming back for more. She’s a fighter and you’ve got to love that. No really, you’ve got to love that. Don’t make me have to come over there.
She hasn’t asked me, but I don’t think Hillary should get out of the race. I do think she should take maybe a couple of days off. Go down to Florida where the state motto translated from the Latin is: Florida, where your primary vote doesn’t count either. She should sit in the sun with a big straw hat on and read a big fat Danielle Steele book cover to cover. Chill.
Barack Obama went to the islands for Easter, heck, he couldn’t go to his old church, and he played some hoops while Hillary was trying to avoid non-sniper fire. Maybe rope-a-dope is his new strategy.
The campaign has gone on so long we’ve cycled through seasons of sports metaphors: the symbology of football Bowls, basketball bracketology, baseball spring training. Why stop before the Summer Olympics? The torch is on the way from Greece to China by way of Mt. Everest, through some got-nothing-to-lose monk riots. Let the games continue!
In a recent poll, and I don’t know about you, I can’t get enough of those recent polls, 38% of Democrats said that if their candidate isn’t the Presidential nominee they are going to vote for McCain. The poll was translated from scratchy Arabic on a cassette tape dropped off at CNN.
Based on that poll, everybody, even Fickle Friends of Hillary [FFOH] are calling for Hillary to get out of the race. I even heard someone invoke Tonya Harding. That is cold. Hey, we’ve come this far in the presidential marathon, why make Hillary pull a reverse Rosie Ruiz?
Fighters are made better by good sparring partners. Tennis players improve by with hard-hitting practice partners. My niece, who doesn’t get a lot of game time, takes her role in practice on her division-leading college lacrosse team very seriously.
If Barack Obama thinks the Clintons are relentless, petty and dirty double-teamers, I’m sure there’s a Yogi Berra saying that applies here to indicate that he ain’t seen nothing yet.
McCain is a reckless kamikazi for freedom. He has the grudging support of his fellow Republicans and their machine. McCain also has the full-larynxed support of the media boys he’s curried for years. They love his ass.
The Loserland television networks are invested in keeping the campaign going, despite their disingenuous goading of Hillary to quit. They say do the delegate math. There’s no way. They must have forgotten what Harvard’s Larry Summers said about women and math.
Like the print media, the networks are hemorrhaging audience to the Internet. This is their last campaign hurrah. And they desperately want to elect one more president for the Gipper.
So Obama/Michael Douglas quit your whining. Hillary is doing you a favor. Don’t be caught flat-footed. Get your cup on. Wear your head and mouth gear.
And watch for her knock out punch.
March 28, 2008 @ 7:42 pm
You know. I don’t care what anyone says. Regardless of whether or not Hillary gets the nomination, which it pains me to think she may not, I am still voting for her in November. I am tired of voting for whoever the DNC tells me to, when I don’t feel that they are the right person for the job. Who’s with me?
March 28, 2008 @ 8:44 pm
You go girl,
You are so right, there is nothing McCain can say that the MSM cant make right, like he says he doesnt understand economics, do they even bring that up? Nooo, makes me sick, headed into another Republican Great Depression and the Repukicon candidate doesnt understand economics, wait, that does make sense come to think of it. Ultra rich idiots, and you asked where to go in Hilarity if he wins, hello Kate, I told you the Arctic Circle is the place the only place, unless we are headed into another Younger Dryas period lke the one 10000 years ago, I was reading it wouldnt stop snowing in Canada, people got upset and started fighting each other, something about 20 feet and it wouldsnt stop, acting out anxiety, still, heres to hoping the rest of Wilson ice shelf freezes before it drops off too. If you live in Manhattan are you scheduled to be underwater if that does drop off, I am no real estate agent but last I looked underwater land isnt worth very much. But would that be ethical, to sell before it goes underwater because you are getting news from sources other than MSM latest missing white woman network? Have a great evening,
March 28, 2008 @ 11:00 pm
I voted for Hillary. Ok, I’ll admit it. I will also admit to being disillusioned by her non-sniper fire story, albeit momentarily. What gets me…….what really gets me is that it is 2008! How can any politician say ANYTHING that they don’t know isn’t true and that they haven’t fact checked to death? You know the media is going to do it, so why try to get away with a semi, sort of, half-truth? And what’s the deal with her half-baked apology regarding the sniper fire story? How about letting it die? Let it go. Don’t you think you are making it worse by apologizing and drawing attention to the fact that you weren’t completely truthful?
Ok, I did say I was momentarily disillusioned? Why is that? Because I’m sure Obama and McCain are guilty of the same thing. They are politicians after all, and they are all trying to win it.
Speaking of Obama, was anyone completely disillusioned by Obama’s race speech on the very day that our dear ol’ government was bailing out Bear Stearns? Why is it that neither Hillary nor Obama has addressed the mortgage crisis? Or did they and the media chose to play up the race card by covering Obama’s race speech? I’m just sayin….. Let’s talk about the REAL issues.
March 29, 2008 @ 6:44 am
I love it!
March 29, 2008 @ 12:19 pm
Hillary has got to hang in, as you say, take a couple of days off and just let Obama’s “supporters” continue to provide him with enough rope to hang himself. If that is politically incorrect, just remember people of all races are allowed to shoot themselves in the foot — and mouth.
April 3, 2008 @ 6:18 am
Well, Kate, so sorry to hear about your beloved Rutgers team. Just be glad they let them actually play the game, rather than telling them gee, it looks like you might lose, so why not just drop out right now. Hmm.
Though I know you have no love of Tennessee, can you admire the player who dislocated her shoulder, twice, and kept coming back in the game to score 26 points? Can I draw an analogy to the Hill? She should just keep going, ignore the crying of those urging her to drop out now, and keep swinging away.