This was posted as a comment with my most recent K8tasks question:
Please let us know what your favorite charities are and we will make donations in your name! Looking forward to many more year of your wit and wisdom.
Thank you for asking.
The Women’s Lunch Place, Boston, MA
The NYC GLBT Center
The Breast Cancer Fund
Center for HIV Law and Policy
November 17, 2007 @ 11:22 pm
I think I will offer to help a lesbian from Atlanta, Georgia who is going to have to migrate because they are due to be out of water to drink on Dec 21, 2007. Isnt that what humans do when the water goes away- migrate, and what is FEMA doing about this soon to be disaster which is only about a month away. One of my charitable actions in a few seconds will be to contact Nancy Pelosi and ask WTF is FEMA doing to prepare for this? Sonny Perdue the gov of georgia is praying for rain. If that is what he wants to do, fine, lets the rest of us contact our senators and House of Reps people and ask them what is the federal gov doing to help our fellow citizens who will so very soon be in a dire predicament. At least this will be an end run around George so he cant say when the 4.5 mill residents of Atlanta are crying out in thirst “No one ever predicted there wouldnt be any water in Atlanta.”
December 3, 2007 @ 1:06 am
I think it is important to support youth service and participatory education. PeaceJam is an organization that is raising the next generations of peacemakers. Youth are able to meet the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Shirin Ebadi, and many other Nobel laureates and follow in their footsteps. It is an outstanding organization with even more glowing staff and youth participants. Every grouping and socioeconomic class, race, religion and orientation is taught they matter in their communities. I am a mentor with them and think they deserve all the support they can get.
December 6, 2007 @ 1:09 pm
Childhood Cancers and all Cancer since it has been severely cut from the federal budget. This is extremely important because of the “one man & one woman” proposal that passed in so many states. It can literally mean that children with same sex parents and the children are on the non-biological or non-adoptive parent’s medical they lose. Ari is a 6 year old boy who has Acute Lymphomic Leukemia. He has two Moms Johanna Graine Mabry & Deanna Mabry. Ari and I have done infusion together we keep each other’s spirits up.
COLAGE (Children Of Lesbians And Gays Everywhere) and they are also include Transgender people. It is a great organization for kids and parents.