Do yourself a favor and just sell your house or break your lease and move to Lexington, Kentucky. Sure, their football team might have lost their last two games, but you don’t really care about that any way. It is totally happening in Kentucky. Or KY as it is fondly, double entendrely, known.
It was, after all, in Lexington, KY in the late 1980s where I received that best compliment ever. After my show, I went out for a bite to eat with the producers. A young woman came up behind me, clapped me on the back and announced loudly, “Kate Clinton, you made me want to fuck again.” Luckily, at the time I had no adult beverages or food products in my mouth.
You’d be green with envy at what’s happening in this red state. Often when people are really up against it, they are made to unite and organize as if their lives depended on it. Lexington, seems to be a bluish dot in an otherwise carmine state, but they are fixing to export their LGBT pride throughout the state.
My performance at the Singletary Center on the KY campus was a kickoff fundraising event for a one-year old group, JustFundKY. That’s not just funky. No. Their goal, under the dynamic leadership of Debra Hensley and Rep. Ernesto Sansone, is to raise money to fund the wonderful work that is already being done statewide. The very generous Scott Todd pledged to match any money raised, dollar for dollar, up to $500,000.
A thousand folks came out for the show, necessitating two big TV screens so the folks in the back could see my nosehairs. It was eerie to see myself out of the corner of my eye. I wish they’d played the World Series Game instead. PS Red Sox: when you sober up from the celebrations, do not go near A-Rod. It’s all about him. And if he was that good, he would have been playing in the World Series, not interrupting with news of his free trade status.
Okay I feel better.
Lexington is gorgeous country that had just begun to show hints of fall color. I was well cared for by Rachel King and Gloria Hansen, horse farm owners and “retired” transplants from San Fransisters. They moved to KY nine years ago and have never looked back. Lexington has the second highest per capita gay population of any city in the country. They both said that they really feel like they can make a difference there.
It could be a new NORC [naturally occurring retirement centers] of the South. Check it out.
October 31, 2007 @ 12:10 pm
Thanks for the kind comments. It was our pleasure to show our southern hospitality.
The name of the matching dollars comes from a fine gentleman named Cliff Todd (not Scott Todd). It you could make that correction it would be great.
Bear hugs to that beautiful Kate.
We look forward to our next gig!
Debra Hensley